Volunteer in Venezuela

Morrocoy National Park, Falcon, Venezuela

Located in the north of South America, Venezuela, at first glance, lacks some of the artistic charm of its latino, tango dancing neighbours. But the brash politics and fast moving pace of a country alive with rich indigenous history and strong Spanish colonial influences is favoured by a unique breed of traveller, those in search of adventure, diversity and something a little bit different.

Although one of the most urbanised countries in Latin America, the diversity of environments in this relatively small country is quite astounding. Central Venezuela is characterised by broad central plains, known as the llanos.

To the south, nestled in the Amazon Basin is the world’s tallest waterfall, Angel Falls, to the northeast the Andes Mountains stretch out to the Caribbean Sea and the longest stretch of coastline to be found in any single nation.

Volunteer Programs in Venezuela

Some of the most popular projects include:

Youth Care and Community
Therapeutic Horse riding
Teaching and Tutoring
NGO Management and Administration
Multi-media Travel and journalism
Medicine and Healthcare Experience and Observation
Live and Volunteer with Pemon Aboriginals
Ecological building and carpentry
Conservation and Environment
Art, Culture and Nature

Location of Projects

You can find community and social outreach projects throughout the country in cities like Caracas, Maracaibo, Valencia, Ciudad Bolívar, Barquisimeto, Ciudad Guayana, Maracay, Barcelona and Maturin. Most environmental and wildlife conservation projects are in the National Parks and coastal areas.

How to Volunteer in Venezuela

Due to the social, political and crime problems in Venezuela most international organisations have pulled out of Venezuela and are not longer offering programs in the country. You can still find some local orgs and NGO’s working on the ground though helping communities and conservation and environmental initiatives who hire volunteers.

This is a challenging country to visit, and you might want to consider alternative places to volunteer in South America at the moment. Out guide to finding jobs in Venezuela might also appeal to you.

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