Volunteer in Chile

Torres del Paine

Whether you fancy a gap year in South America doing something meaningful, or just have an interest in Chile and making a difference, there are lots of ways to help in this unique country.

Where to Help

Communities based programs can be joined in the larger cities like Santiago, Puente Alto, Antofagasta, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Talcahuano, San Bernardo, Port Montt, Temuco, Concepción, Rancagua and La Pintana. Conservation and environmental projects are available in rural areas, for a unique experience you could consider volunteering in Patagonia.


Do you need a work visa?
You can enter the country with a tourist visa and do not need a license for doing volunteer work. You must have medical insurance for yourself. In Chile, you can get insurance for about 60,000 Chilean pesos monthly.

What can I expect of the language?
Chilenos speak very rapidly in general, and people speak faster than some Spanish speaking countries. You will need time to become accustomed to the speed and the sayings that are used here. However, local people are very friendly and patient and you will have time and opportunity to practice!