Volunteer in Bali


One of the 17,500 islands that make up Indonesia, Bali is often referred to as paradise on earth.

Bali has pristine beaches that offer surfing, diving and other water sports and have other entertainment as well as a vibrant nightlife.

There are many places to visit in Bali, each with its own distinct character and if you would like to do something unique you should consider applying to volunteer here.

Short and long term projects are open to join all year round, and are perfect if you would like to do something beneficial, meet friendly people, learn more about the island and have fun.

Best Volunteer Projects in Bali

There are lots of worthwhile projects including helping communities, teaching, working with animals and helping conservation efforts.

Popular ways to contribute include:

Classroom Assistant/Teacher
You can support teachers with their classes, and if you feel confident enough, eventually take some classes yourself! Support and training will be provided for you, and you will learn loads as you will be given the freedom to experiment with teaching methods and content of your choice. Teaching English is a popular option.

Activities Assistant/Leader
Most children stay in the school until 5:30pm every day as their parents work and cannot support child-minders. Some schools offer help with homework, exam revision and extra-curricular activities for these children from 2pm-5:30pm. The activities involve preparing dance performances, making chocolate truffles and arts and crafts. You may help out with one of the existing activities, or use your own talents to set one up yourself!

Working with Animals
Have a love for wildlife? There are lots of sanctuaries and organisations in Bali working to help the local wildlife populations – and you can apply to contribute too.

How to Apply

Large international organisations, and local charities, NGO’s and non-profits offer placements to foreigners. Some charge a fee which generally includes accommodation, meals, training and transfers. Any charges made usually cover the small costs of picking you up from the airport and your lodging if you choose to stay in the accommodation offered to you. Some volunteer programs in Bali are also completely free, whilst if you have any specific skills it is possible to find paying jobs in Bali.