Volunteer in Asia

Elephant sanctuary Chiang Mai, Thailand

Asia is a wonderful part of the world with so many amazing places to discover. Besides travelling, there is another way to experience this amazing continent, and that is by volunteering. There are so many rewarding projects located throughout Asia and helping can be a really life changing experience.

Best Volunteer Programs in Asia

Thailand volunteer elephants

Volunteer with Elephants in Thailand

• 2-12 weeks
• £1,245

Volunteer with Street Dogs in Thailand

• 2-12 weeks
• £1,245

Teach in Thailand

• 1-12 months
• £1,895

Volunteer with Children in Cambodia

• 2-12 weeks
• Price from £1,500

Volunteer with Buddhist Monks in Cambodia

• 2-12 weeks
• Price from £1,500

Gender Equality Program in Cambodia

• 2-12 weeks
• Price from £1,500


Popular destinations to apply include: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

Other places to consider: Bangladesh, Bhutan, East Timor, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Taiwan and Tibet.

How to Volunteer in Asia

Go Find Programs is one of the leading websites helping you to find volunteering organizations and projects in Asia. We are are one of the very few websites that have been helping to place international volunteers for years.

There are hundreds of projects that can be joined, from helping people, children, communities, animals, nature, conservation and the environment. Where you go and what you do really depends on your personal interest and also the program you are interested in. Popular options include working at animal sanctuaries for example helping elephants.

With so many projects throughout Asia, we can help you to find the best programs and book a dream trip today. Browse our featured organisations to start your application today.

Reasons to Volunteer in Asia

There are many reasons why voluntourism is perfect for Asia, you can get to experience parts of countries you might not otherwise have visited and it’s an opportunity to learn new and valuable skills. There are a choice of projects so you can find something you love whether it be helping people, animals or the environment – perfect for gap years in Asia, backpacking trips, career breaks and meaningful holidays.

Volunteering can be an economical way to travel, a lot of projects include accommodation and meals, whilst some are totally free without a fee. You will be able to interact with locals in an authentic cultural exchange. It’s also the most anti-consumerist, sustainable type of travel out there and you are guaranteed to feel you got more back than you gave

Volunteering in Asia FAQ

Find out important information about giving back in Asia.

For most unskilled placements there is no specific need for qualifications, but you have to consider yourself if you would be suitable for the project you choose. Ask yourself the following questions before volunteering in Asia:

Am I open to experience new cultures and I am able to adjust in new cultures;
Am I flexible to adapt well to new situations, environment and other people;
Do I have self discipline and can I work independently;
Am I innovative to come up with new ideas to help;
Do I stand behind the project I choose and see it as a rewarding way in which I can develop my own qualities and character while giving something back to other.

I’m not 18 years old. can i still join a program?
Unfortunately not if you want to arrive by yourself. Even if you bring an authorization from your parents, most organisations are not able to accept you into the program if you are a minor unless you participate as part of a group trip, or with your family.

I’m over 50 years old. Can I still join the program?
Of course! There is no maximum age limit to join programs. It is important, however, that you have no serious health issues and that you do not need special assistance.

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