Volunteer with Elephants Abroad

Elephant sanctuary Chiang Mai, Thailand

Plan a trip to help elephants in Africa or Asia. Find rewarding hands on programs where you can learn more about these creatures and contribute to conservation efforts. Popular places to apply include Thailand, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa.

Best Elephant Conservation Projects

Thailand volunteer elephants

Volunteer with Elephants in Thailand

• 2-12 weeks
• From £1,245

Volunteer with Elephants in Thailand

All the logging was officially abandoned in Thailand from 1989 and so it also demands that the elephants that had been employed in the logging industry no longer have to work. Since it is very expensive to feed and care for an elephant in captivity, many elephants owners started using the elephants in the tourist industry. In the tourist industry there is a lot of abuse of elephants.

In response to save the elephants and to try to keep the elephants in their natural environments, a group of conservationists have set up elephant camps in places like Chang Mai, northern Thailand. To make sure that no elephants are abused or overworked. All the elephants stay in natural environments.

Elephants are Thailand’s national symbol and spending some time helping to conserve them in between beach parties, night trains and more beach parties, is extremely rewarding. In and around Chaing Mai you can live and work in a peaceful home created for neglected and abused elephants helping to feed and care for them and even bathing them. That’s right – an elephant bath. This could get very, very wet.


“The elephant volunteer program in Thailand was definitely the coolest thing ever. I had so much fun. The local coordinators were awesome and was always just making sure that I was comfortable. The staff at the elephant camp were so nice and so clearly passionate about what they do. I’ve been bragging to everyone and they all want to do it as well! Thanks a lot!” – Cara Hanley (USA)

“The elephant program was very good. Really authentic lifestyle with good support and a wonderful homestay family. The elephant program and the activities were super. I am really going to miss it!” – Inge Theeuwes (Belgium)