Volunteer with Dolphins


Have a passion for dolphins? Help these beautiful creatures by volunteering. There are dolphin conservation projects all around the world where you can make a vital contribution to helping the preservation of the species.

Best Dolphin Conservation Programs

Canary Islands Whale & Dolphin Conservation

• 1-12 weeks
• Price from £1,995

Working with Dolphins

Weather permitting you will sail out every weekday and help researchers in studying dolphin behaviour. This includes recording geographic position, assessing group size, composition and formation, observing the surface activity patterns and surfacing intervals.

This sampling is complimented with acoustic recording of dolphin vocalisations to relate sounds produced to dolphin behaviour. All participants are given an important role and are required to help in data collection. No previous experience is required.

At the beginning of the week volunteers will be trained to undertake specific tasks including dolphin watching, underwater camera monitoring, behavioural data collection and photographic identification.

Where Will I Be Staying?
On some projects you will be staying on board a boat which has room for five people (mixed sex accommodation in berth) and on the bow the ‘sailor’s cabin’ has a further two places. There will be an outside shower onboard, powered by sun, although you will also be able to go ashore to shower at the local port.

What Will I Be Eating?
Meals aboard are an important social event. Volunteers and crew will work together to create light lunches on the ocean, often surrounded by dolphins, and sumptuous dinners to replenish their energy when back at port. On this project you will be encouraged to become part of the crew and thus ‘muck into’ the routine of the Jean Gab.