Volunteer with Cheetahs


Cheetahs are some of the most beautiful animals on the planet and mainly located in Africa. Some organisations work to help cheetahs by rehabilitating and releasing them into the wild.

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How to Help

Throughout the years, local and international organisations have worked with world-renowned conservation bodies towards this mutual goal of preserving and growing the genetic pool of cheetah and their current population. Other conservation efforts have been aimed at releasing and caring for many other wildlife species.

Popular places to help cheetahs include South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania. There are projects in places like the Greater Kruger National Park.

These wildlife experiences will appeal to individuals who have a love and passion for travel, animals, and nature. Volunteers will enjoy a wildlife experience with daily game drives, bush walks as well as get the opportunity the explore. This can be the experience of a lifetime and its important that you plan and research all opportunities before applying.