Volunteer in Malawi

Elephant in Malawi

Malawi is one of the inexpensive volunteer destinations in Africa, and it is also one of the best countries to give back. Here’s everything you need to know about volunteering projects in Malawi, including placement information, how to get there, what to pack and advice on money, health and safety

Volunteer Programs in Malawi

There are sports coaching programs, English teaching programs, orphanage programs, community development and healthcare programs.

Some charities have implemented a number of healthcare projects, providing free health check and medication for local communities in rural areas. They also support people with water and hygiene projects providing clean wells, water system and toilet blocks. Health and educational projects are running to support district health officials working in rural communities.

One of the most popular ways to volunteer is to apply to volunteer with animals.

Volunteer teaching
Volunteer teachers work alongside local teachers in small villages all within easy walking of the volunteer house complex. Together they teach the children through various games, songs, dances, art work, and work on the blackboard. At busy times, volunteers divide the children up into smaller groups around the school and outside areas in the shade. The working hours are generally Monday-Thursday 8:00am-10:30am and then again from 2:00pm-4:30pm. Volunteers tend to travel away on Thursday or Friday for weekend breaks to one of the lakes to swim and relax.

Organisations ask that you try your best to always be on time and ready to work when teaching. If you need help with teaching activities and games please talk with the project coordinator or seek advice from other volunteers. The teaching is laid back, mostly locals just want you to have fun with the children and speak English to them in any form of teaching activities you can create.

Building and construction
The weekly and daily schedule for volunteer builders is not set, as most work can be completed during anytime of the day. Although we would recommend getting an early start on the projects because during the early afternoon the Malawian sunshine can be very hot. If you’re building organisations usually ask that you work hard and manage your time efficiently so you can where possible start early to avoid working in the midday heat. If you have special skills please be open and willing to teach the locals.

What are the other volunteer opportunities in Malawi?
Their are several orphanages which provide opportunities for volunteers to help children who can no longer be looked after by their parents or orphans have no extended family in the area to care for them. The coordinator would also like to develop activities such as sports and music programs for the local communities.

Local teenagers enjoy playing netball and football. If you have experience in playing or coaching any sporting activities and would like to get locals involved you welcome you to do so.

As you know Africans love to sing and dance, and this is true of Malawians as well. If you are interesting in teaching music to local communities there are options. If you have special talents local orgs would love for you to teach them.

School feeding programs
The children in the community are very poor and sometimes their families cannot afford to eat during the day. For this reason feeding programs in schools are important, to make sure the children are at least receiving one meal a day.

Volunteers may also like to think about offering healthy snacks and drinks (many families drink dirty water) at their activity sessions.

By providing a meal during school time it will promote education, because the children will want to attend school to have their meal. Due to lack of funding, in some cases organisations have had to cancel feeding programs in the schools.

Orphanage Projects
There are some orphan projects where they live with other families in the community. New orphanages are currently in the process of being built around the country.

During your stay you will have the opportunity to visit local families who are taking care of orphans. This visit usually takes place once a week on a Monday afternoon. You are welcome to play with the children and visit with the adults in their homes.

Some organisations ask that upon your visit if possible to make a small donation, such as food, money or clothing to help the orphans and the family. You may want to donate toys, however for the children their need is considerably greater than a toy, so please keep that in mind during your visits. Even a small donation of £1 can feed an orphan for almost two days.

Volunteering in Malawi FAQ

Do I need a visa?
For volunteers from the UK, USA and lots of other countries you will be given a 30-day free visa upon arrival at the airport but you will need to arrive on a return ticket or hold an onward ticket to another country.

If you are staying longer than 30 days you must go to the visa office (Zomba is the closest) to extend before your 30 days is expired. The extension process is fairly easy and can be completed in one visit, the cost for an additional 30 days is around 5,000 Kwacha.

Should you be staying longer than six months please contact the coordinator in advance of your arrival to discuss obtaining a longer visa. Currently you are okay to volunteer on a tourist visa if you are staying in Malawi less than six months. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact the coordinator directly before travel to discuss, as visa issues should be taken with serious care and concern.

What should I buy in Malawi before I get to the project?
Here are some items that are suggested to be purchased before arriving at to Domasi if you haven’t already brought them in with your luggage. Domasi is a small rural village and has very limited food and other supply shops. Zomba is the town closest to the project where you can buy supplies, however it is about a hour journey away by bike taxi and minibus.

This list has been created by interviewing past and present volunteers as to what items they have found useful and what items they didn’t have but wished they would have brought with them.

Please note they are in random order and none are 100% required for your stay; however we recommend these items for your comfort.

1. At least 4 days worth of food goods
2. A package of bottled water (20 bottles)
3. Large supply of toilet paper
4. Individual longlife fruit juice cartons
5. Washing bowl/brush
6. Personal plate/bowl/cup/spoon/knife/fork
7. Tupperware food storage box

When purchasing food items, please be aware that currently the project doesn’t have a kitchen or refrigerator, food should require little cooking. Buying food items that only require hot water or a fire and a pot is a good starting point.

In addition to these lists the project is also in need of monetary programme contributions to help fund the feeding program, renovations of the volunteer house, toilets and kitchen. Also organisations need funds for the renovations of the current school houses, such as cement floors and benches for the children to sit on, and a new construction of a three school buildings.

If you would like to fundraise in your community and need any more specific information about the project organisations will be more than happy to help you. All supplies volunteers donate for the project should be shown to the project coordinator upon arrival and will be kept in the supply safe and distributed to schools and teachers when requested. This will help maintain an even supply for all schools and teachers.

What is life in the local community like?
Don’t be shy about introducing yourself to the local volunteers and local families in the villages. The Malawian people are very warm and love to talk with you. For them and the children it is commonplace for new people to arrive, and you will soon see how quickly everyone accepts your presence.

Please keep in mind that the local field officers and teachers are also volunteers. They are working for free with the project because they have the same belief that youth education is the key to a successful future.

You will soon realise, if you weren’t already aware, that Malawi is a laid back country. Things that are scheduled to happen at a particular time may be delayed, or you may find out that plans have been altered at the last minute.

The best thing that you can do is try to go with the flow. Use your initiative and skills to help everything run as smoothly as possible. There are a handful of villages/hamlets all within walking distance of the volunteer house so if you have some time to expand into a another village to teach or assist – please do!