Volunteer in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Congo primates

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the largest countries in the world located Central Africa. Congo is one of the poorest countries in the world with around 60 million people living on less than $2.15 a day. It is estimated that one in six people are living in extreme poverty.

Volunteer Programs in Congo

Projects can include:

Construction Work
Helping to build infrastructure like schools to serve the excessive growing number of children.

Volunteers are needed to teach in rural communities.

Community Development Work
Types of placements can include HIV & AIDS education and prevention and helping with skill development training the local population to help improve job prospects.

Wildlife Conservation and Helping Gorillas in Congo

Wildlife direct volunteer staff and park rangers urgently need help to protect endangered gorillas.

Some organisations provide an innovative response to critical conservation issues in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The non-profit organization facilitates the donation of funds directly to those working on the front lines in different locations in Congo; they also have helped set up and run an ever-expanding series of blogs so that the world can learn about the work that local rangers (and many others) do to protect mountain gorillas, hippos, and bonobos to name a few.

There is obvious value in preserving the lives of the individual animals as well as the species in general; there is indirect value to local people in protecting the amazing wildlife that Congo is home to, as eco-tourism will likely play a vital role in the economic relaunch of the country following its war.

But in recent years, at least seven mountain gorillas have been shot; usually when armed groups of rebels attacked a park ranger base, killing one ranger and injuring several others. Local and international organisations are always looking for help in the form of awareness-raising and donations in order to ensure the park rangers can monitor the park to protect the remaining gorillas.


Usually participants need to be aged 18+. You will need to be open minded and be prepared for a culture shock, this is one of the poorest nations to volunteer in Africa.

Usually the minimum period for volunteering is a week and no maximum period.

The Congo is an off the beaten track destination and for more opportunities you might like to view more opportunities in other African nations:

Kenya volunteer programs
Tanzania volunteer programs
South Africa volunteer programs