Mozambique Tours

Mozambique is truly a magical place, although it has a past full of turmoil and unrest, today it is a thriving tourist destination. You can visit Mozambique as an individual trip, or book an overland tour of Africa taking in multiple countries like South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Tanzania.

Highlights include venturing across the border to Mozambique’s southern-most town- Ponta D’Oura with it’s many colourful markets, stunning beaches with warm, crystal clear waters and the famous beach bar – Pinto’s.

Relax and enjoy a cocktail whilst looking over to the azure waters or try out Mozambique’s favourite drink, the R and R.

Pont D’Oura is one of the only places where you will have the chance to swim with wild dolphins and interact with these amazing marine mammals. Ponta also offers incredible scuba diving all year round for all levels of divers or you can experience scuba diving for the first time on a Discover Scuba course.

Relax into the laid-back Mozambiquan lifestyle and dance the night away, try peri-peri prawns or rissois (prawn cakes). Sample the hot chilli sauce, and swim in the warm waters of the Indian ocean. Leave your shoes at the border, you won’t be needing them here, rather enjoy the feeling of the warm sand between your toes.

Other activities on offer include paragliding, quad biking, surf and kite boarding lessons and ocean based adventures.