TEFL Courses


The demand for English teachers abroad is increasing with worldwide demand from individuals who wish to learn the English language.

A TEFL certificate is the standard international qualification that will enable you to start a career as an English teacher abroad. It will open up a better chance of getting a job, an opportunity to travel and will enable you to experience new cultures.

TEFL certificate courses can be taken online, or in a classroom, and will equip you with all the necessary skills and training to become a confident English teacher.

Best TEFL Certifications

These are the top rated companies to take your TEFL course with.

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What is TEFL?

You can often come across the acronyms TEFL, TESL or TESOL and feel a bit confused about the distinction among these terms as they are frequently used interchangeably.

To make the meanings clear, here are their definitions:

TEFL – Teaching English as a Foreign Language
It involves teaching English in a country where it isn’t the native language and where people want to use English for business, leisure, travel, etc.

TESL – Teaching English as a Second Language
It involves teaching non-native speakers of English in a country where it is the native language (e.g. teaching immigrants)

TESOL – Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
This covers both TEFL and TESL terms.

Eligibility and Requirements

TEFL certificate courses are for anyone aged 18 and above who have no previous qualifications or teaching experience and are interested in becoming certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language. All applicants should have a basic knowledge of English.

Can non-native speakers of English take the TEFL Course?
Applications are welcomed regardless of first language or nationality. However, you need to KNOW English well, the only requirements are a proficient level of both spoken and written English and an understanding of the intensive nature of the course. Please be aware that some schools will only employ NATIVE English speakers (NES). You aren’t guaranteed a placement if you are a non-native speaker

Do I need knowledge of other languages?
No. TEFL training companies use the international standard communicative approach to teaching, where English is the only language used in the classroom. These methods are thoroughly explained and practiced during the course. This means that you will be able to use your new TEFL qualification to travel the world, and finance this wanderlust by teaching.

Is there an age limit?
Generally there are no official upper age limit, but you must be 18 years of age or older for your application to be considered. If you are a person of ‘more mature years’, don’t let this put you off applying. If you are receptive to learning, you should have no problems. Many mature students taking ‘Golden Gap Years‘, not quite ready to retire yet.

NB: Some employers may have an upper age limit, especially if the job is with younger children, due to the energy level required for this kind of teaching. Some employers have an upper limit of 55 years of age, due to restrictions at some schools.

TEFL Qualifications FAQ

TEFL courses provide you with various practical tips, teaching hints and engaging activities, and most courses can be completed in just four weeks.

Here are some answers to popular questions related to getting TEFL certified.

What is the difference between TEFL and TESOL?
The terms basically mean the same, with TEFL more common in the UK, and TESOL more common in America. There is a slight technical difference since TESOL refers to learners whose first language is not English, although they may speak English in their daily lives. TEFL refers to “foreign” students, learning English as a foreign language. These students do not use English regularly and therefore have different usage and comprehension problems. The course covers both aspects.

Are classroom TEFL courses intensive? Will I have time to see the sights?
Yes, these courses are intensive, and you will need to commit yourself to some independent study and lesson planning time outside of the classroom, but you will get quite a bit of time within the course for planning and preparation. If you balance your workload and make good use of your time in the classroom, you will have weekends to enjoy the sights of your location.

Will my TEFL certificate be recognised around the world?
Yes. Upon successful completion of a recognised TEFL course, you will receive a certificate which is recognised worldwide. Most TEFL courses meet and exceed the basic international criteria, as they include 120 hours of classroom time and observed teaching practice. You will also receive a letter of reference from your trainer, as well as a detailed report card.

Where can I work with a TEFL certificate?
Work is available almost anywhere in the world where English is not the native language. There are many opportunities within Asia, Europe and the Middle East, specifically, but not exclusively. Paid and volunteer teaching programs are available.

What are my chances of finding a job after the course?
Your chances of finding a job after successful completion of a reputable course are excellent, if you are a degree-holder. Most providers offer assistance with your CV/resumé, and work closely with placement agencies and schools.

TEFL Courses: What You Will Learn

Course Aims
• to develop an understanding of the principles of language learning and language acquisition
• to adopt the principles of an effective teaching process
• to acquire a wide range of teaching skills and techniques
• to apply practical skills in real lessons
• to develop friendly, co-operative and creative environment

Most intensive courses consist of 120 hours of input and 8 to 10 hours of teaching practice in real classrooms. Throughout the course you will be provided with the best tips, bright ideas and favourite student activites as well as practical worksheets ready to use in the classroom. You will acquire a good knowledge of teaching methodology, language awareness, lesson planning as well as classroom management.

Teaching Practice
Teaching practice is the most practical part of Tutor TEFL certificate course during which the skills learned in the course are put into practice. It includes teaching learners of English, planning for individual lessons and reflecting on them.
You will be assigned a group of real students of English and a teaching practice trainer. The learners’ level differs from pre-intermediate to advanced. An experienced trainer will observe your lessons and during feedback sessions they will analyse and discuss your performance with you. A trainer will also provide you with useful advice for further lesson planning.

Input Sessions
The input sessions are based on a workshop approach. They are highly practical and interactive. Strong emphasis is placed on active participation and involvement in the sessions. The methodology part covers the following topics:
• language acquisition and language learning
• various teaching methods
• different learning styles
• teaching grammar
• teaching vocabulary
• teaching receptive skills (reading and listening)
• teaching productive skills (writing and speaking)
• teaching pronunciation
• lesson structure and lesson planning
• classroom management
• error correction
• teacher language
• one-to-one teaching
• using various teaching materials
• teaching aids and equipment
• using songs and games in the classroom
• well-tried speaking activities
• using dictations in the classroom
• using video in the classroom
• teaching business English
• preparing students for the Cambridge exams

Throughout the certificate course you will also observe experienced teachers in action to see the teaching methodology in practice and learn about English grammar and phonology to be aware of how it works.

You will be coached and highly supported by qualified teachers and will receive detailed guidance on managing and motivating a group of learners and selection of appropriate course materials that will help you make the lesson engaging and challenging for students.

You will also have assignments including written lesson plans, reading books on grammar and methodology and creating original material.