Teach in United Arab Emirates

Burj al Arab

Teaching in Dubai and the UAE can be one of the most rewarding and lucrative experiences you can have. In a good school in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or anywhere else in the UAE, will normally enjoy a high salary and extra added benefits.

Students are interesting and enthusiastic, generally well-motivated, and compared to teaching in any other country; you’ll have little or no discipline issues.

The majority of schools start much earlier than a lot of western teachers are used to. Usually, a school day starts between 0730 or 0800 for students, and finish about 2.30 pm or 3pm, with about an hour for lunch. The working week is Sunday to Thursday with some schools having an early finish on Thursday.

Just like in schools in western countries there will be marking, lesson preparation, meetings, parents to deal with, extra-curricular activities, playground supervision, assemblies, sports days, etc to keep you busy. You get plenty of holidays, as all your non-teaching friends will remind you.

Guide to Teaching in UAE

Salary: Your yearly salary for working in the UAE is dependent on experience and qualifications but expect around $US 40,000. (Tax free)
Accommodation: Most schools either supply free accommodation or will pay your rent.
Flights: Most schools will pay for your return flights to and from your home country.
Bonus: Some schools will pay you the equivalent of one month’s salary as a contract completion bonus.
Health Insurance: The majority of schools will pay for your health insurance.
Visa Fees: These will be covered by your employer.
How to Get Started: If you would like to teach English in the UAE check out our top rated TEFL courses to get certified today.