Teach English in Central America

Cancun beach

Imagine surfing between semesters by the Pacific beaches of Costa Rica, or taking a weekend visit to one of the many Mayan ruins in Mexico. These are just a few of the rewarding adventures awaiting you if you choose to join a Latin American teaching program. You will work hard, yet you will play hard as well! Programs provide the wonderful experience of educating others while allowing you to travel and explore the world!

Top Rated Programs

Global Work and Travel Teach in Costa Rica

Best Destinations

Popular countries to apply include: · Costa Rica · Belize · Guatemala · Honduras · Nicaragua · Panama · El Salvador.

Guide to Teaching in Central America

In today’s increasingly interconnected global community, what better way to unite than by understanding each other’s cultures and languages? English is currently the most widely used and studied language in the world, while Spanish is the second most common language spoken in the Americas. Why not teach something that comes so naturally to you (like speaking and writing English!) while simultaneously learning Spanish and so much more? You will gain invaluable, lifelong skills as a result of your experiences with the local people, community, and even yourself!

International recruiters have partnered with numerous schools throughout Latin America to improve the English skills of the local people and help their education system. You could work at schools, academies, and institutes. Agencies close relationships allow them to be the first to hear about job openings and we can then match your skills with the school’s needs. Placements depend greatly on experience, destination, and schedule. Most schools prefer teaching certification or classroom experience; however, because of our great reputation and service, many schools will accept the teachers that we recommend and approve, regardless of your level of experience. Most paid placements are available for at least one semester or year commitment in Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador. Short and long term volun-teaching opportunities are available in destinations like Guatemala and Costa Rica.

Again, classroom experience and foreign language knowledge are helpful, but not required. Most companies include a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course. This course has been designed for maximum flexibility, allowing you to work on your own computer at your own pace. The course has two main components: Teaching Skills and Language Awareness. The Teaching Skills component develops the techniques and skills required in the classroom, while the Language Awareness component provides a solid foundation in English grammar. Alternatively, you can take a 4-week certification program in an internationally recognized TEFL course. These courses are located in countries in Costa Rica. There is an extra fee for taking these courses and accommodations can be pre-arranged.

Program Highlights and Benefits

Teaching in Central America offers:

• The satisfaction of helping others
• An opportunity to broaden your perspective and worldview
• An economical way to live and travel abroad
• An opportunity to participate in and learn local cultural activities (e.g.: language, music, dancing, cooking)
• Memorable travel experiences with the chance to see exotic sites you have always dreamed about
• The ability to make lifelong friends from around the globe
• A valuable work experience that strengthens your resume
• A great way to develop and support your self-confidence and interpersonal skills

Teaching in Central America FAQ

Most recruiters will assist you with information to obtain a visa, but will have no control nor the ability to guarantee government issuance and/or visa availability.

• Good command of the English language; Spanish knowledge helpful, but NOT required
• Bachelor’s degree in any discipline; Education majors and classroom experience preferred by some schools and for certain positions, but not required for all (note: students and applicants without degrees will be considered for teacher’s assistant positions)
• Enjoy leading groups and teaching children and/or adults
• Good lesson planning and organization skills
• Attendance at staff meetings
• Open to foreign cultures and living abroad
• High level of responsibility
• Dedication to the full term of commitment
• A criminal background check may be required by some schools and positions