Japan is a country where modernity collides with tradition. Japanese culture can be tracked back millenia yet modern cities, such as Tokyo, are as high tech as anywhere else in the world. It’s one of the most sought after countries in the ESL market for teachers, of which many end up staying for decades becoming permanent expats.
Top Rated Opportunities

Teach English in Japan (Online TEFL)
• 12 months
• Price from £1,295

Teach English in Japan (Nagoya)
• 1-12 months
• Price from £2,445

TEFL TESOL Course in Tokyo
• 4 weeks
• Price from $2390
How to Get a Teaching Job in Japan
For those considering teaching in Japan, finding employment in public or private schools is most likely.
Japan has the popular Jet Programme (Japan Exchange and Teaching) where teachers are placed throughout the country in public schools, typically in rural assignments. The process for applying to the JET Programme is very detailed and lengthy requiring one to eventually be interviewed. Competition is fierce.
In most cases you are responsible for covering the cost of airfare. Housing is also typically not provided although financial assistance may be given by your employer. When you first get there, you may want to try booking a hotel in Tokyo until you find an apartment to live in.
Teaching in Japan FAQ
• Monthly salary – 180,000 to 260,000 JPY = 2,300 to 3,400 USD
• Paid holidays and medical insurance are features provided in most contracts.
• Teaching hours tend to be 20-30 hours per week.
• Income tax is only 5-7 percent.
• The ability to save in Japan is exceptional provided you live locally.
Visa and Education Requirements
What qualifications are needed to teach in Japan?
As a minimum, you are required to be able to speak to a native level, have a BA and TESOL/TEFL certificate for most jobs. Your employer will sponsor your visa.