Studying abroad can change your life but knowing where to go and what to do can be a difficult decision. Our easy to use guide is here to help with information about highly rated programs and destinations, and advice to help you achieve an incredible study abroad experience.
Best Study Abroad Programs

Art History Course in Florence
• 2-4 weeks
• Price from £2,749

Cooking Course in Florence
• 2 weeks
• Price from £3,445

Paining & Drawing Course in Florence
• 2-4 weeks
• Price from £2,745
A Guide to Studying Abroad
Types of Programs
• Undergraduate • Doctorate • Masters • Online
Length of Program
• Short-Term • Academic Year
When to Go
• Fall • Spring • Summer • Winter • J-Term • Spring Break • Maymester
Best Places to Study Abroad
The world is at your fingertips. Literally.
When you study abroad you will be introduced to another country with its own unique history and culture. Every country provides a different experience entirely. That’s why choosing where in the world to study is a highly personal decision.
Wherever you decide to go, or what you decide to study, don’t miss your opportunity to study abroad. Seeing the world as a student will forever change you for the better.
Browse our destination guides to arrange your trip of a lifetime today.
• Africa • Asia • Europe • South America • Central America • North America • Oceania
Best Countries
• France • Italy • England • Australia • Spain • Argentina • China • Mexico • Germany • Costa Rica
Top Rated Cities
• London • Edinburgh • Sydney • Rome • Prague • Paris • Hong Kong • Beijing • Melbourne • New York
Popular Study Abroad Programs
Some of the most desirable subjects to study include:
• Business, Finance and Economics • Electronics and Communications Engineering • Electrical and Electronic Engineering • Elementary Education • English Literature • Environmental Science • Illustration • Media Arts and Animation • Music Production • Nursing • Law • Pre-Med. • Psychology • International Relations • Fashion Design & Merchandising • Management • Communications • Marketing, Advertising, & PR • Plant Science • Retail Management
Top Reasons to Study Abroad
Academic study abroad courses offer the chance to get credits thereby increasing career options and future prospects. And these days, it is fairly easy to pursue educational opportunities in another country with hundreds of opportunities available all around the world open to all nationalities.
Studying abroad offers you a chance to get a glimpse of other cultures and education systems, it will open up to a wider world and expand your learning both inside and outside the classroom.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a high school student, taking a degree, or a graduate, studying abroad provide invaluable opportunities. Don’t be put off but the potential costs too, there are grants, loans, health insurance and study abroad discounts available which make studying internationally easier.
Many universities encourage students to pursue further studies abroad and a course can be for a short period, during a summer break from studies, a semester or even an entire academic year. Lots of foreign study abroad students usually try to learn a language from native speakers or to major in a subject where that experience or knowledge can’t be gained elsewhere.
There are so many options that is can be overwhelming, but if you are a student researching about marine life it would be much better off to study in a country like Australia or if you are a Chinese student studying American literature is recommended to go to the United States.
Studying in another country gives you a hands on experience and the ability to culturally integrate and also travel more of the country/region. Study abroad courses offer a much more comprehensive package than can ever be gained by book knowledge alone.
A course need not necessarily be to expand opportunities beyond those their home university offers; for many the prospect studying abroad while satisfying their wanderlust is one reason. College is the ideal time to travel in a different country where you can participate in an academic study abroad program as well as enjoy living abroad.
Most study abroad programs are quite flexible giving students a chance to get involved with extracurricular activity with other international students. Also it should be understood that sometimes a direct enrollment in a foreign university is somewhat less costly than participating in a home university program. Although fees and tuition varies depending on the destination.
How to Apply
You can arrange study abroad courses on our website, online, through your university or directly through a foreign university.