Learn Spanish in Mexico

Cancun beach

There are many reasons to travel to Mexico: history, culture, amazing beaches, mountains, and delicious food. And, of course, in Mexico you have the opportunity to study and practice Spanish!

Mexico is the fifth largest country in the world, and it also has the largest Spanish-speaking population. That’s why it’s one of the best places for students to learn Spanish, because when you study Spanish in Mexico you not only learn how to communicate in Spanish, but you also learn why it’s such a popular language around the world.

Best Places to Study Spanish in Mexico

You can book classes in places like Cancun. Playa del Carmen, Mexico City and the beautiful city of Cuernavaca, known as the “eternal spring” city because of its pleasant weather and charming streets.

Languages in Mexico

Spanish is Mexico’s official language, although a very small percentage of the population speak some form of Amerindian language. The Mexican government has officially recognised 63 native Amerindian dialects as national languages.

Mexican Spanish and the Spanish you would encounter in Spain are intrinsically the same, but there are some notable differences, such as variations of pronunciation and grammar use.

There are also some purely Mexican expressions. Typically Spanish is spoken more slowly in Mexico and pronunciation is often clearer.

Studying in Mexico

Specialist language courses are always a great place to start and are available through a variety of institutions. If you’re nervous about learning a language being with other beginners can really help and intensive courses can get you going quickly.

Absorbing the language through immersion is a fantastic way of really understanding phrasing and pronunciation. Before arriving in Mexico language videos, books and online courses can be used in conjunction or alone and are excellent tools for practice. As your confidence builds read Mexican newspapers and watch Mexican films.

In Mexica you can watch television programmes and you’ll hear people speaking at a natural speed and in a variety of tones. With frequent watching you’ll soon find yourself moving from associating words with actions to really understanding the dialogue.


Some of the most reputable language schools in north America are located in Mexico and offer a variety of affordable classes that are suited for students at all levels of Spanish.

Usually no more than five students assigned to a professor according to your skill level. This allows the instructor to give personal attention to each student so that the students can learn and master the Spanish language at a faster and more effective rate. Classes focus on conversation, vocabulary, composition, and listening.

In order for you to maximize your time, additional activities such as salsa & merengue dance lessons, sports and games, cooking lessons, lectures, films, and more are arranged. Some schools can also organised volunteer programs in Mexico too.

Note: Classes vary according to skill level, from beginners to advanced, and the number of hours of study can be customized to fit your needs. In addition, we offer lessons for specific professional industries as well as programs for children and seniors. In fact, parents and children can take lessons at the same time: while parents attend classes, their children will learn and interact with children from Mexico and all around the world.

Intensive Spanish
These courses are designed for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. Class size is limited to 5 students per professor. Our Cuernavaca campus offers an intensive and fixed daily schedule from 8am to 4pm. The daily schedule includes 3 hours of Spanish language study, 2 hours of grammar or cultural courses, 1 hour of conversation, and 2 hours of optional programs.

Specialised Program
This ‘tailor-made’ program is aimed at professionals, business people, executives, social workers, lawyers, bilingual teachers, or any other professional who wishes to improve their knowledge of the Spanish language in as short a time as possible. Not only is work-oriented vocabulary emphasized, but also conversations and activities will relate to the business world. The Executive Program consists of 9 hours of activities from 8am to 5pm and it is available for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced.

University Students
There are multiple sessions for university students to study Spanish.

Special Summer Session (5 weeks, June-July): Students pursuing a major or minor in Graphic Design, Law, Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Psychology, Public Relations, Literature, Mathematics, or Political Science can attend our summer courses. These courses are taught in Spanish; therefore, your language proficiency must be intermediate to advanced.

Fall/Spring Semesters: This intensive course has been designed for all college students. The 12-week program can provide you with up to 18 semester credits in intensive Spanish language and Latin American cultural classes. Please consult your university’s administrative office to inquire about credits. You can join independently starting any Monday throughout the year.

Courses for Seniors
This program is designed to develop conversational fluency in the shortest possible time. Participants attend intensive Spanish language classes and cultural courses to meet the individual’s interests, profession, and Spanish proficiency level. The program emphasizes vocabulary and conversational role plays. In addition, the program tries to provide social and cultural activities appropriate to the participant’s interests and/or professional area.

Children’s Program
Have fun on a family vacation while everyone learns Spanish and enjoys Mexico! The Children’s programs teach basic Spanish language skills and allow the children to enjoy fun recreational activities. We use multiple teaching methods, focusing on children’s communicative skills, hand-eye coordination, and motor skills.

Highlights and Benefits

Learning Spanish in Mexico provides:

• Practical experience learning Spanish through native and professional Mexican teachers
• An amazing opportunity to speak and practice Spanish with locals in everyday situations
• An opportunity to broaden your perspective and worldview
• The chance to participate in and learn Mexican cultural activities (e.g.: language, cooking, crafts)
• Memorable travel experiences with the chance to see exotic sites you have always dreamed about
• The ability to make lifelong friends from around the globe
• A great way to develop and support your self-confidence and interpersonal skills

Schools Offer

• Class enrolment pre-arranged before you leave home. In addition, we can pre-arrange any other cultural activity that may interest you (e.g. culinary skills, arts & crafts, theatre).
• You will have shared housing at a carefully selected local homestay. • Three meals per day will be provided. For an additional fee, single rooms or alternate housing options can be arranged.
• An optional airport pick-up and transfer is available.
• The orientation introduces the local community and prepares you for your stay in Mexico.
• Social activities and excursions are available. Some excursions require that you pay transportation and entrance fees.
• Travel Insurance: Basic Major Medical Coverage
• Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of attendance

There is no better way to improve your language skills than by living and studying in a country in which the language is spoken. Start planning your trip to Mexico today.