Learn Spanish in Guatemala

Antigua, Guatemala

Would you like to learn or improve your Spanish? Choose Guatemala! This is one of the best value for money destinations in the world with classes running all year round. Nearly every town in Guatemala can offer some kind of Spanish courses. Most students choose to study in either Antigua or Xela. View more information on our guide.

Study Spanish in Antigua

Most schools are located in the UNESCO world heritage site city of Antigua, a fantastic venue to learn and improve your Spanish. Nestled between three towering volcanoes and only an hour away from the Pacific coast, Antigua exudes charm, character and culture. Antigua is clearly a much nicer place to stay than Xela but Xela is a bigger, more traditional town.


You’ll stay with a local family, in your own private room, but normally with other students in the house, sharing a bathroom, usually only a few blocks away from the school.

The total number of hours you’ll study per week is 20, from Monday to Friday, with your own private tutor.

A variety of fun extra activities will be arranged in the afternoons, in order to give you a deeper understanding of your environment and enable you to mingle with your new bezzie mates!

Having travelled to Antigua we will personally be happy to give you all the details you need!

What’s included:

• 20 hours Spanish tuition per week with private tutor (includes books and materials)
• Local homestay accommodation (private room, breakfast, lunch and dinner (Mon – Sat))
• Extra afternoon activities. From time to time, you may need to pay a small amount for entrance fees, transportation etc.
• Airport pick-up and drop-off
• Delicious local coffee and mineral water throughout the day