Learn Spanish in Central America

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Do you want to learn Spanish? Or improve your language skills? Book a course in Central America and discover the highlights of this incredible region in your free time. Language schools here offer really affordable Spanish courses for beginners and advanced levels throughout the year.

Best Spanish Schools in Central America

Study Spanish in Costa Rica

• 1-12 weeks
• Price from £745

Top Places to Study Spanish in Central America

You can find language schools throughout the region, these are the most popular places to study: · Costa Rica · Guatemala · Panama.

Other places you also might want to consider include: · Belize · El Salvador · Honduras · Nicaragua.

Why Should I Learn Spanish in Central America?

Spanish is spoken by approximately 329 million native speakers worldwide and it’s the world’s second language, behind Mandarin (Chinese). That means that there are more native Spanish speakers in the world than English speakers.

Spanish is spoken in 44 countries worldwide, making it one of the most useful languages to learn. Having Spanish knowledge is particularly helpful if you’re thinking about travelling through Central America, where English is spoken far less than it is in Europe.

With so many Spanish speaking countries to choose from, it can be a bit daunting to know where to start, but it all really depends on what you want from your trip and how hard you are willing to work at learning your new language. It also depends on what you want to use your new Spanish skills for and your type of learning style.

If your primary aim is to learn as much Spanish as possible in as little time as possible and you’re willing to work hard for it, then you should head to Costa Rica. The best way to learn fast is to immerse yourself completely into the language. Stay with a Spanish family in a homestay or get a job as an au-pair and live with a Spanish family. Go to a local language school and enrol in some classes as well.

If you want to combine your language learning with another activity like volunteering on a gap year in Central America then your best bet would be to head to any number of countries in this region. People in these countries speak with fairly neutral Spanish accents so they are a little bit easier to understand than in South America.

Also if you’re a complete beginner then you will learn with a neutral Spanish accent and will be able to make yourself understood in other South American countries. All countries have lots of great volunteering options in Central America.

If you are happy to spend more for your accommodation and classes, want to go to one of the more stable Central American countries and to be at one with nature, then you should go to Costa Rica.