Summer Internships Abroad

Lots of international companies and agencies offer high-quality educational, work, intern and volunteer programs that connect you with placements in more than 100 countries worldwide. If you are a student, or anyone looking to boost your career and experience, there are lots of summer internship placements available to join.

Top Rated Summer Intern Programs


Internships are offered all around the globe, in places like Barcelona and Madrid, Spain; Beijing, China; Berlin, Germany; London, UK; Paris, France; Tokyo, Japan; Santiago, Chile.

What types of companies host students?

The companies are a mix of Fortune 500 multinationals and successful small and medium-sized companies from several major industries including: Advertising & PR agencies, financial services, technology companies, fashion, consulting, construction, entertainment, non-profit/government, start-up, hospitality and tourism firms.

How long is the program?

Summer programs usually start in June and end in August. Most students will arrive early in June and depart anytime in August.
Interns in all locations, excluding Japan, spend the first two days in orientations and Global Skills Training, and the internships begin on Wednesday. In some destinations where English isn’t the first language, the first week includes intensive language instruction as well as skills training.