Photography Internships Abroad


For the aspiring photographer there is no richer canvass against which to master the art with a photography internship.

Instructors are prepared to mentor and teach you. You will be guided by experienced professional and successful photographers in locations all over the world.

Open to beginners and skilled practitioners alike, you will return home from your international internship with a better grasp of the art and a collection of photos to spark envy in friends and family.

Photography Work Experience Placements


Internship in Australia

• 3-6 months
• Price from £795

Internship in Canada

• 3-6 months
• Price from £1,295

Internship in New Zealand

• 3-6 months
• Price from £795


• Amazing settings for great photos
• Fascinating people to capture on film
• Taught by experienced professional
• Open to beginners and experts


• Undergraduate or graduate
• Passionate about the arts
• Looking for fresh creative perspectives
• Desire to live, work in and experience another country

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