Internships in Australia


Acquire professional training in your preferred area of interest, have a blast in Australia, get to know another culture, and meet people from all around the world. Internships available in most major cities including Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane and Cairns, just to name a few.

Top Rated Opportunities

Internship in Australia

• 3-6 months
• Price from £795

Guide to Interning in Australia

Take a huge step forward in your professional and personal life…while living in Australia!

Australia’s multicultural communities and natural environmental wonders are a combination for a healthy and happy lifestyle. Imagine working for a reputable, multinational company during the week, and then traveling to spectacular sites like Ayers Rock, the Sydney Opera House, or the Great Barrier Reef!

Companies organise weekly group activities, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to interact socially with locals and other international interns. Although Australia has a culturally and ethnically diverse population, you will have the ease and comfort of living and working in an English speaking country.

Find an internship that fits your specific interests and needs. We partner with one of Australia’s largest recruitment agencies, working with over 1,000 companies throughout Australia that utilize the services of foreign interns.

You can guarantee your internship placement before departure and find placements with many international and large Australian companies in the fields of accounting/finance, advertising, business, marketing, graphics, I.T., media, law, medical services, social services, education, hospitality, human resources, and more.

All companies are located centrally or close to public transportation, so there is no need to worry about the added expenses of buying a car or parking. You will have an immediate supervisor at your company for training and guidance. And, don’t worry – the incredibly friendly and laid-back Aussies create a positive work environment so you can relax and truly experience Australian life and culture.

Program Highlights and Benefits

Interning in Australia Offers:

• Practical international work experience in your field of interest
• A reference from your employer upon completion of your term
• An opportunity to broaden your perspective and worldview
• An opportunity to participate in and learn local cultural activities (e.g.: sports, music, cooking)
• Memorable travel experiences with the chance to see exotic sites you have always dreamed about
• The ability to make lifelong friends from around the globe
• A valuable work experience that strengthens your resume, exhibiting your diligence, independence, and intercultural experiences
• A great way to develop and support your self-confidence and interpersonal skills

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