Journalism Internships Abroad

Journalism is a great career choice. But it’s also one of the hardest industries to break into. The only way to do it is by getting experience. So why not go for an international internship?

Top Rated Programs


Internship in Australia

• 3-6 months
• Price from £795

Internship in Canada

• 3-6 months
• Price from £1,295

Internship in New Zealand

• 3-6 months
• Price from £795

Some international companies have teamed up with bestselling daily newspapers, international magazines and websites to offer fantastic journalism internships. You might get to attend red carpet social and cultural events in bustling cities, as well openings, interviews and more. You will even have a chance to write content and, if it’s good enough, don’t be surprised to see it in print beneath your first byline. That’s before it is circulated to the paper’s daily readers. It certainly beats photocopying – and is more likely to get you a job, too!

Host Companies

• Newspapers
• Magazines
• Websites

Summary of International Internship Benefits

• Essential CV building to kick start a journalism career
• Highly rated newspapers/magazines/websites
• Lifestyle offers plenty of exciting social/cultural opportunities
• Great visibility of journalism in action
• Chance to write published articles and perhaps get a by-line


• A genuine passion for journalism
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Interest Lifestyle, including arts, entertainment, restaurants and fashion
• Outgoing personality with the ability to network
• Awareness of urban culture, brands and the arts
• Ability to jump into an opportunity and learn quickly on the job
• Desire to live, work in and experience another country


• Placement fees and expenses if applicable depend on the company
• Flexible time period (usually 1 month minimum)
• Students are introduced to their supervisor on day 1
• Direct exposure to team and clients
• Placement is predominantly English-speaking


‘My internship has exceeded all my expectations and opened several opportunities for me. My boss and colleagues have helped me improve my writing and I have had the pleasure of working with such intelligent and grounded people. I have no doubt that this experience will benefit my future job applications and I am certain now that I aspire to a fast-paced career in print journalism. Within my first week I was travelling to different parts of the city to review 5 star restaurants and luxury shopping brands. Naturally, it would be hard not to enjoy this!’ – Amy, Journalism Intern, India

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