Internships in Costa Rica

Costa Rica beach

Gain work experience in the tropical paradise of Costa Rica. There are lots of placements for students and anyone seeking to boost careers, from tourism, hospitality and marketing.

Best Intern Abroad Programs in Costa Rica

Baby sea turtles beach

Sea Turtle Conservation Internship in Costa Rica

• 2-12 weeks
• Price from £1,395

Work Experience in Costa Rica

Will I need to speak Spanish if I am doing an internship in Costa Rica?
No, you are not required to speak Spanish. However, we strongly encourage you to learn the language before arriving or by choosing to have classes with one of the many language schools in Costa Rica. This will help you to integrate and build more relationships while you are here.

Are there any requirements? Is the Internship open to ALL nationalities?
Yes, the internship program is open to all nationalities. Below we have provided the requirements of interns:
• 18+ years old
• Speaks fluent English (Fluency in Spanish is not a requirement)
• Is passionate about learning

How soon should I sign up?
We advise that you submit your application and resume 3 months before your planned date of arrival. The slots for these programs are limited and highly competitive as companies aim to provide participants with the best customized internship experience possible and to provide our partner corporations with interns that are highly motivated to provide valuable contributions to their company.

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