Internships in Bali

Commonly referred to as The Island of Gods, The Paradise Island, or The Island of A Thousand Temples, Bali is a small but hugely popular Indonesian island. Bali is one of Indonesia’s 33 provinces, with the southern city of Denpasar the capital. It is home to around 4.23 million, of which around 92.29% adheres to Balinese Hinduism, rather than the nationally predominant religion of Islam.

Bali has a long history dating back to 2000 BC, when Austronesian people arrived from Taiwan and inhabited the island. This shaped the island’s culture into what we know it as today, with close linguistic and cultural links to the Philippines, Oceania and Indonesian Archipelago. Later in the 1500’s, the Portuguese arrived on the island, before the Dutch gained political and economical control and remained until 1946.

Bali is the one of the most visited destinations in Indonesia, offering a feast of culture, in a land where locals still wear their traditional dress, and give morning and evening offerings to the Hindu gods. Bali has many temples to explore, with many hidden in the middle of thick rainforest, and you can also dive with Manta Rays over on Nusa Lembongan.

With an international internship comprehensive package, you’ll be welcomed by a ready-made group of friends the from the moment you touch down. Regular dinners, trips, sightseeing and more gives you the ideal opportunity to explore and learn whilst meeting people from around the world.

Internships in Bali don’t tend to offer an allowance, though if you’re travelling there with one of the various international internship comprehensive packages, you can expect to easily stick to a budget once you arrive!