Internships in Africa

Cape Town

Gain work experience in Africa and enjoy the highlights of the continent in your free time. Find paid and unpaid internships throughout Africa perfect for students, graduates and anyone seeking to start a career.

Interns have the opportunity to join programs which contribute to the growth and forward movement of a developing country, offer personal skills development and the opportunity to be learn more about countries and communities.

Interning in Africa really can be a life-changing experience.

Popular Destinations

A wide range of internships could take you wherever you want to go, wherever you think you would get the most enjoyment and gain the most benefit and most relevant work experience. The possibilities will be closely linked to the work itself, what your motivations are and the experience you hope to gain.

You can find placements throughout the African continent, but we highly recommend going to South Africa where there are hundreds of top rated opportunities. Other destinations you might want to consider where you can find lots of unique placements include: Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, Malawi and Botswana.

Reasons to Intern in Africa

• Live and work in the rich cultural landscape of a huge continent
• Get firsthand experience of a key emerging market
• Enhance your CV and land your ideal job at home or abroad
• Choose from full range of sectors and detailed internship descriptions
• Make friends and build an international business network

Types of Internships

Business & Start Ups
Event Management
Real Estate
Sales & Marketing
Tourism & Hospitality
Environmental Conservation
Marine Biology
Graphic Design
Journalism & Media
Food Science & Nutrition
Medical & Healthcare
Physical Therapy
Sport & Exercise Science
Law & Human Rights Support
Social Work
Computer Science & IT

What Will You Get From An Internship?

The benefits of an internship in Africa are many, not least the all round experience of time in a working environment where your future lies. Meeting other people with similar aspirations could make you consider career angles and avenues that you might not have otherwise.

Your internship and the experience you take from it will inevitably provide you with both a broader and more in depth appreciation and understanding of the industry you are joining. The satisfaction you will gain from spending time on your internship working towards your dream career will no doubt spur you on to even greater achievements.