Gap Year in Netherlands


Forget the usual clichés (windmills, painters and clogs): the Netherlands boasts buzzing nightlife and cracking culture. So there. Flat as a pancake, the Netherlands is the ideal place to hop on a bike and experience two-wheeled travel. Wander around world-class museums, experience Amsterdam’s red light district or head to the coast. You won’t be short of things to do.

Quick Facts

• Capital City: Amsterdam
• Currency: Euro, EUR
• Language: Dutch
• Time Zone: +1 GMT
• Dialling Code: +31
• Religions Practised: Christianity (Roman Catholic and Protestant)
• Total Area: 41,526 square kilometres
• Population Size: 16369056

Practical Information

Voltage and Plug Info:
220-240 V. European plug with two round metal pins.

The Netherlands is generally considered a safe place to travel so you shouldn’t have any problems. Take care on crowded trams or in busy streets where opportunist thieves do lurk. If cycling, lock up your bikes at all times. Amsterdam in particular is plagued with bicycle thefts.

Vaccinations and Health:
Health facilities in the Netherlands are excellent and the country is trouble-free in terms of illness and disease. Generally it’s a case of common sense. Tap water is considered on a par with spring water so get drinking…

Guide to Taking a Gap Year in Netherlands

The Netherlands really is one of the best Europe gap year destinations, here are some tips to help you plan the most incredible experience:

Best Time to Visit?
With cool winters and mild summers, you’re good to go at any time. Head there in spring to see the fields of tulips and daffodils or enjoy the Indian summer each autumn. Things get a bit chilly in the winter months but with the drop in temperature there’s also a drop in tourists so a good time to visit the museums without queuing.

Getting There and Away
Amsterdam’s airport is one of the world’s busiest and travellers can fly in from almost anywhere in the world. Budget airlines also serve many cities in the Netherlands providing an easy and cheap way to hop around Europe. High speed trains connect the country with its neighbours but they can be a bit pricey if not booked in advance. Discounts for the under-26s apply.

Getting Around
For exploring the towns and cities there’s one word: bicycles. With cycle paths and off-road routes – do as the Dutch do and go by bike. Journeys by bus or train are short and pretty much always on time and you can watch the world whizz by from the window. Avoid taking taxis in Amsterdam – they are notoriously expensive and drivers don’t always know the way.

Gap Year Jobs in the Netherlands

Looking for gap year jobs? Why not consider working in the Netherlands. You can find positions in places like Amsterdam.

Don’t Leave Netherlands Without…

Wad hopping
That’s jumping between the Wadden Islands to you. They’re strung along the North Sea coast and boast the kind of rugged shores and reserves that’ll have you clicking away until your camera implodes.

Eating your body weight in cheese
Got a craving for kaas? You’ll find your fix at Gouda’s weekly market, home of the Netherlands’ cheeseboard staple.

Wearing top-to-toe glow
If you’ve got any Dutch heritage or a fetish for the colour orange, Queen’s Day is the time to let it out. Held on 30 April, the entire nation spills onto the streets in bright orange garb for an almighty knees-up to celebrate the monarch’s birthday.

Reducing your carbon footprint
The Netherlands is famously flat so ditch those polluting ways and harness some pedal power. Whether on canal-side cycle lanes or through tulip fields, it’s the best way to get around.

Being wholesome in Amsterdam
Vice is one of Amsterdam’s major draws, but there’s more to the place than strip clubs and herbal highs. There are also top galleries and museums like the, erm, Sex Museum.

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