Gap Year in Guatemala

Antigua, Guatemala

In our opinion Guatemala is one of the most underrated backpacking destinations in the world. Think jungle, ancient ruins, friendly people, great value for money and some of the most scenic towns and cities in the Americas.

Best Guatemala Gap Year Programs

Caribbean Encounter

• 10 days, 3 countries
• Price from £1,972

Epic Centra America Tour

• 45 days, 7 countries
• Price from £3,329

Guatemala Gap Year Ideas

Quetzaltenango: More commonly known as Xela, Quetzaltenango is an ideal departure point for trips to the surrounding villages with their traditional handicraft markets as well as the nearby hot springs. The city itself has its own basic markets and some interesting architecture around the main square. It is a great location to learn some Spanish or look into the interesting volunteer projects on offer in Guatemala.

Tikal Ruins: Potentially one of the most magical sights on earth the Tikal ruins can be found deep within Guatemala’s tropical jungle. This remarkable Mayan ceremonial ground, consisting of immense towering pyramids and imposing temples rising over 44m high is a must on any itinerary. Concealed by the forest canopy a trip to the Tikal ruins feels like a detour into a mystical, forgotten land.

Semuc Champey: A beautiful series of small ponds and pools formed around a natural limestone bridge which crosses the Cahabon River. This tropical idyll situated in the middle of the jungle is an enchantingly picturesque spot and the crystal clear waters are ideal for swimming.

Museo Nacional de Arqueology Etnology: Take an educational trip to this museum and marvel at the country’s biggest collection of stunning ancient Mayan artefacts.

You could combine a trip to Guatemala with a gap year in Mexico or Costa Rica.