8 Reasons Why You Should Live in Indonesia


If you’ve can’t decide which side of Asia is the most appealing, there’s a simple middle way to get the best of everything.

If you’re looking for a spiritual and beautiful location like Japan, a country rich in history like China, a dangerous country like Afghanistan – although you may not need a war to smell the sweet perfume of danger, or a place of high-tech modernity and economic progress like Dubai; it’s time to meet Indonesia. 

Indeed, this sweet country of Southeast Asia has everything to appeal to most travellers. It combines wonderful landscapes, with amazing people, fast-growing and modern economy, without mentioning the silent threat of a possible eruption from one of its numerous volcanoes. 

In short, whether you’re an adventurer, an Instagram aficionados who want the capture the perfect picture, or a lover of the modern metropolis, there’s all you need to make of Indonesia your dream holiday location.

So what are you waiting for?

1. Opposite but complementary economy

First of all, yes Indonesia is, of course, different from working in Europe. However, contrary to European economies, Indonesia benefits both from an ambitious young population and supportive fiscal policies. Does it sound a little too business lingo to you? To put it simply, Indonesia is one of the best economies in the G20. So if you were thinking of visiting a poor Asian country with barely any public facilities and comfort, you’ll be in for a surprise. As one of the most dynamic region in the world, going to work in Indonesia has another advantage compared to Europe. It has not been hit as badly by some of the most the recent financial crisis. Instead, it has continued to grow, so that now it’s best positioned to establish cooperative partnerships with Europe. If you are keen to boost your career and gain experience lots of local companies also offer internships for foreigners in Indonesia. In short, be prepared for a buzzing metropolitan lifestyle when you visit.

2. Meet a real-life dragon

If you keep watching old episodes of Merlin to hear John Hurt’s voicing the dragon, you’ll be pleased to know that you can meet a real dragon in Indonesia. Indeed, the Komodo dragon, which you can find in the Komodo Islands. They may be less impressive that Merlin’s dragon, but in the flesh, the Komodo dragons can be up to 3-meter-long. In reality, they are giant lizards with a venomous bite. They don’t spit fire, unfortunately. But they too have a long history, as they’re thought to have come from Australia some 4 million years ago. In fact, fossil evidence has proved that they existed in Europe too, but now they only survive in Indonesia. If you are looking for a unique experience you can apply to volunteer in Indonesia and help animals!

3. Such low costs of living you might consider moving in

The cost of living in Indonesia is incredibly low, despite its booming economy. For a meal for two in a mid-range restaurant, you’ll pay around £8. Just try to find the equivalent in the centre of London! Branded clothes; such as a Levis 501 cost in average £23, which is a fifth of what you’d pay in the UK. And if you compare the cost of a square meter in an urban flat, you might find yourself wondering about starting your expat life in Indonesia! With £938 per square meter in an Indonesia town, against over £19,400 in Chelsea, it’s easy to understand why so many expats choose to buy a home in Indonesia. What’s not to love? From affordable lifestyle to amazing weather, it’s a dream place to move in!

4. Some of the friendliest people on the planet

The Indonesians are extremely friendly. It’s impossible not to feel welcomed and appreciated, as the local population takes pride in showing hospitality and generosity. It’s important for the locals to make a good impression on foreign travellers and tourists, as they consider that their behaviour should do their country proud. There is also a deep sense of respect for people. Indonesia is, in a word, a country of beautiful values shared by gentle people.

5. The largest Buddhist temple in the world

If you’ve never visited a Buddhist temple before, you need to head to Yogyakarta, on Java. This spectacular site has survived many attacks and even volcanic eruptions and remains just as enigmatic as it once was, 1,200 years ago. It is said to be the soul of Java. It’s easy to understand why, with its two magnificent Buddhist sites, Borobudur and Prambanan. If you can, join a tour of the temples, so that you can hear about the several myths and legends around this mystical place.

6. They have 127 active volcanoes

Yes, you read correctly. Indonesia has 127 active volcanoes. When Agung, a volcano in Bali erupted in November 2017, geophysicists spent days and nights monitoring its every activity. As a result, thousands of flights got cancelled, the temples in Bali were covered with a thick layer of dust and tens of thousands of people fled the danger zone. But ultimately, the crisis was managed with military precision. Admittedly, it might be a little too dangerous, even for the most experienced adventurers. To learn more about destinations, check out this Indonesia travel guide.

7. Some of the most amazing beaches

Aside from volcanoes, Indonesia has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Local and international travel operators offer Indonesia tours to amazing locations. Derawan Beach, in Berau, was considered as a possible candidate for a world heritage site by UNESCO, as a result of its stunning ecosystem. You can swim with dolphins there! For surfers, the Banyak Islands have the perfect barrel and peaks, over a world of coral and golden sand. It’s difficult not to want to jump on a board and let the waves carry you! Be sure to research Bali too!

8. The best food in the world

Finally, if you love the food culture in large towns such as London, you’ll immediately ditch your favourite takeaway for the first Indonesia street food offer. Indonesian food is not only mouth-watering, but it’s also super healthy, and it can be really sophisticated too. From surprising crackers flavoured with prawns or garlic to crispy grilled fish served with simple seasoning, you’ll find yourself struggling to pick your favourite. And let’s not forget the Indonesian sweet iced tea, the eh teh manis, which can wash away any spicy taste.

There’s only one question left to ask: when are you going to answer the Indonesian call? One of the easiest ways to achieve the dream of living and working in Indonesia is to take a TEFL certification course and apply for jobs teaching English in Indonesia – apply today!