3 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for TEFL Jobs


Job prospects for suitably qualified TEFL teachers are excellent. There’s a growing demand worldwide as English becomes our universal language.

In every country of the world, both in business and tourism, English has become the global language. Most people however make some fundamental mistakes when applying for teaching jobs overseas.

Big Mistake #1: Applying For Numerous Teaching Jobs by Email

Most people just send out an email blast to as many schools as they can find and hope for the best. Guess what? It won’t work.

Most school directors don’t have enough time to go though 350 emails EVERY DAY! In fact most don’t even bother checking as they’ve been let down too many times! The trick is, to call each school and get the name of the school director before sending your resume. You must then make a follow up call to see if they have received it.

Have you ever wondered why some people are able to nail the top jobs? Here is the secret of success… right here: Send your personalised application and CV/resume to the school director by Fed Ex, DHL or EMS special delivery service! It will be worth the investment!

Which pile do you want to be in? The 1 or 2 on the employers desk? or the 350 in their inbox?

Big Mistake #2: Setting Up a Teaching Job In Advance

Some schools will guarantee you a teaching job in advance without even meeting you. There’s a good reason for this. THEY ARE DESPERATE for teachers and NO ONE wants to work there!

The job will be located in the middle of nowhere, miles from any civilisation and you’ll be teaching 50 kids in a class. YOU must decide which job is a good fit for you and YOU must decide, at least, some of the terms BEFORE you sign the contract.

The best way to accept a teaching job is to check reviews online, or even fly to a destinations and search once you get there. It’s the only sure way of securing a good teaching job and knowing exactly what you are getting into. If you join a reputable TEFL course you will have job interviews arranged soon after you have completed the course.

Big Mistake #3: Applying for Jobs With Zero Teaching or TEFL Experience

An reputable TEFL/TESOL course will provide you with the skills needed to start your new career as an English teacher.

You’ll learn how to plan lessons and engage your class, tips for keeping discipline, and ideas for teaching grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Most of all, you’ll gain the confidence to walk into a room full of expectant faces and not run out again in tears!

Browse our website to get more advice on how to apply for jobs abroad, where to look, and what to expect.