How Social Media Can Help (or Hinder) You Getting Hired

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One of the most daunting aspects of the recruitment process is the interview.

For many, preparing for the ‘big day’ can be extremely nerve wracking. Between researching the company and fine tuning individual skills to match the job description, searching for a job can truly be a full time job.

If the pre-interview stress wasn’t enough, the actual job hunt experience can deflate and overwhelm anyone, especially those who have only recently entered the workforce.

What if there was a way to boost a candidates profile using social media platforms? Can social media be used as something more than just a virtual hangout? Yes!

Here are several tips on how to leverage an to ease the elusive interview process.

1. The first step is a simple: Google yourself.

Like with personal relationships your reputation precedes you.

HR personnel scan the web for a candidate’s reputation. What can be found in five minutes or less may not be the most attractive. Remember: search engines today scan social media platforms!

2: Social Media Review

Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram are the default platforms used by basically everyone around the world.

The newbie college grad and maybe a few victims of the economic meltdown may want to review their profiles currently being used to promote their leisurely lifestyle. Take the time now to remove any inappropriate pictures and any other material (including comments on blogs) that may harm a potential employer.

Before clicking send with a knock-out resume, click delete on those pictures from summer tour or from the trip to Vegas. What happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas anymore.

3: Promote Positive Energy

One of the biggest downsides of not having a job is the depressive feeling that kicks in pretty quickly.

The less than positive attitude is a knee-jerk response to being rejected or unwanted. That emotion is legitimate and should be expressed. JUST NOT TO THE WORLD!!! Negative attitudes leads to disinterest.

Why would a company want to hire someone who blasts negativity to the world?! Find a more appropriate outlet to channel that anger. Keep it off of social media.

Update your profile with positive carma and things will begin to take a positive turn. .

4: Network

One thing that everyone has today is a network. It’s never been easier to build and develop a virtual mini-community that is divided by family, friends, associates, colleagues, and those that just share the same hobbies as you.

The best method of landing a job is to produce what I call a ‘top 10 list’. At the top of this list, the mission statement is “ideal job scenario” including benefits, work environment and perhaps even names of companies that meet this ideal scenario. (sorry, winning the lottery is not an ideal scenario since it’s a luck thing).

Once an ideal is targeted, review every person across the various platforms and find 10 people that can help either via free industry advice or for contacts in the field.

5: Be Creative and Willing

In many cases, people in any given industry believe that their specialty is so industry-specific that it can’t be of service to any other industry. As an example, CRM is not just for corporations anymore!

Every type of small business, non-profit organizations and anything in between now use some version of this software to generate and cultivate clients. Someone with years of experience in senior-level administration can easily move to another field, they just need to be willing to stretch their comfort zone.

As an example, a friend of mine recently received the news that he will be losing his job at the end of the month. Instead of posting to the world, he began to carefully select people within his network (not specifically in his line of work) who can assist.

Guess what? He is overwhelmed with unique ideas and projects to fill his time. Are they all paying? Not necessarily but the experience and exposure will surely land him a job much faster.

Social Media is an extremely powerful tool. By channeling the medium towards a goal, the interview itself will become a pro forma activity rather than a stressful situation. Why? Because the reputation established online will surely continue offline.

Good luck!