Top Tips for Visiting Egypt Alone

Female traveller Pyramids Egypt

There a many perks to traveling alone: waking up whenever you want, dining wherever you want, visiting must-see attractions — or none at all. Besides freedom, traveling on your own only enhances the sense of adventure to your trip.

But what about in a country like Egypt? How easy is it, and is it safe?

If you are ready to embark on your next journey and want to experience the highlights of Egypt, here’s some top recommendations to help you plan the best trip possible.

1. Learn Basic Arabic

Not only is it polite, it will really help make your experience in Egypt easier and more fun. Impress the locals with at least some simple phrases like hello, please and thank you. Download an App like Duolingo, book online classes, or if you have a flexible schedule search language schools in Egypt and book courses in places like Cairo.

2. Buy an International Sim

Having the internet when you travel in Egypt will be really helpful, there are lots of sim packages available giving you fast internet on the go. You’ll also be able to chat to friends and family, especially times when you might be missing company.

3. Plan Where to Go

Egypt is a huge country and with the language barrier, getting around can be challenging. Always research before departing. Find out where the best beaches are, if there are any singles nights at the local hotels or bars, whether there are tour guides to show you around etc.

4. Tours

If you don’t want to travel by yourself, you should consider booking a tour of Egypt. These trips can be a lot of fun to meet other travellers and get guided to the best locations. When going with an organised group, check out the size of the group & age range of group. You may feel intimidated by a large group or feel uncomfortable with an older group for example. Find out so you know in advance.

5. Be Social

If you want to make friends, look out for others who are on their own and ask them politely if they wouldn’t mind if you joined them. Seek out your interests by looking into an organized activity and planning your trip around it. If you’re dreaming of the outdoor adventure, why not try a bike tour where you can take in the scenery. You’ll learn more about the area, connect with people who share similar interests, and add some structure to your day. You could also consider volunteer programs in Egypt which are a great way to meet open/like-minded people.

6. Choose Where to Eat Carefully

You don’t want to eat in cosy dimly-lit romantic restaurants, look out for quite busy places where other people are dining alone so you don’t feel out of place. Don’t sit their miserable, have a smile on your face and people will approach you.

Eating fast food or anything familiar is tempting. Try not to do it. In fact, fancy and unique dining establishments are excellent places to dine alone. Let your waiters know you took a special trip just to eat at the restaurant and ask them what they recommend. They may also know other cool places to check out.

7. Ask for Advice

Always ask at the hotel or resort about any areas they advise not to visit alone. You certainly don’t want to be walking around “dangerous” places at night all on your own.

8. Bring Entertainment

To stop yourself from getting bored when out and about, take a good book. You can read it at a restaurant, or when you are out for a quite drink, this will help you fit in and not look like you are uncomfortable with being on your own

9. Buy an International Sim

If you have a mobile phone, take it with you on holiday and arrange so you can make calls from abroad. For people on holiday alone this can act as an important safety net. Take note of your hotel telephone number, local taxi numbers, local police etc.

10. Address Your Fears

A possible hesitation about traveling alone is that you’ll get bored or be lonely. So, if you’re a first-time solo traveler, why not head to a bustling city? That way you can always find something to do or someone to talk to. Bars, restaurants or anyplace with communal tables are good places to start. Conversation starter: Mention how beautiful the day is. Then ask for suggestions on what to do in the area.

11. Take Photos

Making photography a mission may defeat the purpose of living in the moment. However, if you notice interesting details about the places you visit, why not take a snap of it? Your friends back home will appreciate your perspective and the unique story attached with it.

12. Bring Backup

Whatever trip you ultimately decide to take, bring a plan B list with the names and addresses of good museums, sights, restaurants and hiking/biking trails that didn’t make your original itinerary. You want these to be activities you can fall back on just in case of bad weather or if you have extra time during your trip.

13. Pro Tip

If things don’t go as planned, embrace the moment. Every part of your trip will make for a great story you can tell on your return.

There are so many reasons to travel alone, and visiting Egypt can be a really fun, exciting and an excellent way to meet new people and make life-long friends. Many people still think that going on a trip on your own can be somewhat scary and boring. However, if you follow our top tips, they can be just as enjoyable as going with someone. We love Egypt, and we know you will too.