Teach English in Italy

Italy tourist

Italy is a country where people live passionately, where meals involve large family gatherings, and where looking your best (even to go to the supermarket) is all in a day’s work. It is a country that will charm you and draw you in with its rugged good looks, European charm, beautiful cities and tasty food.

Best Teach Abroad Programs in Italy

Global Work and Travel Teach in Italy

Teach English in Tuscany

• 1-8 months
• Price from £3,295

TEFL Course in Rome

• 4 weeks
• Price from $1,761

Teaching in Italy FAQ

Best Places to Go
The larger cities are where most jobs can be found including Rome, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Naples and Florence.

Teach English in Rome
One place that is wonderful to teach English to locals is Rome. As the capital and largest city in Italy, it’s the perfect destination to teach in Europe and sample some continental culture. Of course, you won’t be spending your entire gap year teaching and while you are in Rome it’s worth taking the time to explore some of the city’s many attractions.

You’ll probably already be aware of a few of its world-famous landmarks such as the Colosseum (which is more than 2,000 years old), but it’s also a good idea to spend a little time discovering a few of its lesser-known sights. Head to the beautiful Piazza di Santa in the Trastevere district, for example, and you will see a stunning 15th century fountain and come across pretty bars and cafes that are perfect for doing a bit of people-watching in.

In Italy, hourly wages may range from 8 to 12 Euros an hour. Depending on the TEFL market in the city or town where you are, EFL teachers may charge between 14 and 18 Euros an hour for private teachers. Private teachers in places like Rome tend to charge more. Expect a monthly salary of around 900 – 2,000 EUR = 1,100 – 2,400 USD. Income tax is between 23 to 27 percent.

Working Conditions
Teachers can expect to teach anywhere between 20 to 30 hours per week.

Airfare is not usually provided by the employer. Accommodations are sometimes provided, but if that is not the case, a monthly allowance to cover the cost of rent is usually given. Health care is rarely included.

Most teaching contracts run 1 year in length, though it is possible to obtain short term positions at camps during the summer months.

Visa and Education Requirements
A Bachelor’s degree and a TESL/TEFL certificate is required. EU passport holders are generally preferred.

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