Teach English in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the guardian of Mecca and Medina. It is also the heart of the Islamic religion and Arab culture. Most people wishing to teach in Saudi Arabia do so for the money. Whether they are saving up for a deposit for a house, to pay back student debts or just save money for the future. Here is everything you need to know about teaching in Saudi Arabia.

Reasons to Teach in Saudi Arabia

Living in the kingdom is likely to be nothing like you thought it would be like. Teaching in Saudi Arabia is a fantastic way of gaining much valued teaching experience, make serious money and it will look great on your CV. A primary or secondary teacher can expect to make $40,000 per year tax year with free accommodation, free airfare and a contract completion bonus (one months salary). Contracts can be for one or two years.

Most employers are seeking someone with a few years of ESL teaching experience. Packages include salaries which begin around $3000 USD a month tax free, accommodation, 30 days paid vacation and round-trip airfare. With very little in the way of distractions and a low cost of living, a budget-minded ESL teacher can easily save $25,000+ USD in a single year of teaching.

Where to Find Work

There are plenty of teaching positions here. Hiring takes place all year around, but the months of August and September hold the best promise for securing a position. In the ESL circuit the Middle East remains the top region in which to stack large amounts of money in a short amount of time. The universities, colleges, and poly-tech schools all hire large amounts of ESL teachers every year.

Primary and secondary school teachers are in demand to work in international schools. You must be a qualified primary or secondary teacher if you wish to teach in international schools. Experience is an advantage but not always necessary. Some students attend a preparatory year to boost their knowledge of English and prepare them for medical school.

Teaching Jobs in Riyadh

Most jobs can be found in the capital of Saudi Arabia – Riyadh. This is where most international schools are located. Highly rated places to consider applying include King Saud University in Riyadh where you can teach college students ESL.

All around the city of Riyadh construction can be seen as the kingdom is modernising with skyscrapers, glitzy malls, and a new sky train system which will alleviate the traffic.

Being an international city, Riyadh has a variety of foods from all over the world. Middle Eastern selections of grilled meats, bread, and rice, as well as all the Western fast food chains are available.

Most social activities take place at night due to the heat of the day. Malls dot the landscape and provide opportunity for exercise, shopping, dining, and socialising.

Culture, Safety and Laws

Saudi Arabia is a country where you really need to check do’s and don’t before arriving. This country has a a lot of strict laws in place and it’s important to stay on the right side of the law. Saudi Arabia is an alcohol free country so if you’re looking to party we would advise that you look into teaching elsewhere such as South Korea, China or UAE.

The Saudi people are kind, curious, and friendly and you shouldn’t encounter any problems safety wise.

Culturally, there are a few things that must be adhered to when teaching. These include avoiding certain subjects including politics, the King, civil rights, religion, and women not being able to drive (yet). All the schools are segregated. Outside of the classroom women are required to wear the abaya (a black gown from head to toe), from the moment you enter the kingdom. For non-Muslim women the (hijab) head scarf is unnecessary. Men are allowed to wear shorts, but must go below the knee.

Prayers are held seven times a day. The prayers begin at approximately 4:30am and end at midnight. Muslims are required to pray five times a day. The call for the prayer can be heard in unison from anywhere in the city over loudspeakers. The times for prayers change slightly everyday. All shops close during these times, so it’s important when going out to plan for them. There are a few other important rules to mention. Alcohol is forbidden. And fraternisation with the opposite sex is a serious crime.


To qualify for ESL instructor positions in Saudi Arabia, candidates must have a Celta, TEOFL /TEFL certification , along with at least 2 years of experience teaching ESL to adult learners. However some schools are not fussy on the experience. Experienced ESL instructors are eligible to work at top universities in Saudi Arabia, teaching English to students in order to prepare them for English proficiency examinations (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.).


If you choose to teach English in Middle East there is the potential to save thousands in a few months Experienced ESL instructors in Saudi Arabia can earn over $2,500 – $4000 USD per month, depending on qualifications and experience. Some even earn lots more. Salaries are tax free and several costs are covered by your school. There is also the potential to earn extra doing extra private tuition to students. Your only expense will be your food which is cheap compared to food prices back in Ireland.


ESL teaching positions in Saudi Arabia offer excellent benefits. Teachers can expect to receive return airfare to and from your home country on completion of a contract. Shared, furnished accommodations depending on the school are usually provided or paid for.

Teachers may receive a relocation allowance, and are also eligible for an end of service bonus upon contract completion. Teachers usually teach 20 to 25 hours per week. Teaching hours can vary from school to school.

To sum up, Saudi Arabia is a great destination for an ESL teacher. There is much to explore in this region of the world that most people will never get to experience. Your TEFL certification truly is a ticket for freedom and a life of adventure.