Teach in Africa


Are you looking for the most rewarding experience of your life? Apply to teach in Africa! Placements can be found throughout the continent.

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Guide to Teaching in Africa

Home to some of the most magnificent and spectacular wildlife, ancient and mysterious tribal communities, vast expanses of savannah, tropical blue oceans and imposing mountain landscapes, Africa will surpass all expectations.

For all her natural beauty and wonder, Africa remains one of the poorest destinations in the world. In both cities and remote rural communities access to basic education and healthcare is limited and the dependence on subsistence lifestyles is widespread. Teaching in Africa could be your chance to immerse yourself in warm and welcoming communities while making a lasting contribution to the education and community development projects that will improve the standard of living and future prospects for those in greatest need.

TEFL Jobs in Africa

Africa in the TEFL world Africa is usually separated into North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Of the two, the most TEFL work is in North Africa. In North Africa the most opportunities for paid positions are in Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia. In Sub-Saharan Africa work is usually either volunteer or with subsistence wages only.

Many of the former colonies of Britain use English as the language of instruction in state schools for example Ghana, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe. English is also one of the official languages of South Africa.

So, English teachers in these countries are often local citizens. However, foreigners are sometimes able to find EFL work in these and other countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, especially if the teacher is willing to work for room and board only and/or for subsistence wages.

Volunteer Teaching Programs

Some schools run far beyond their capacity, especially in rural areas of Africa, despite the best efforts of local councils and the teachers themselves. There are currently in the region of 450 students, with only about 8 teachers in some schools! Despite this they do a remarkable job, and they pupils have far more energy that seems humanly possible!

Most of the communities earn their living through subsistence farming which brings a very modest income to each household, if at all. Despite this, Africans value formal education very highly and every effort is made to send their children to school.

Schools teach most classes in English, so there is no need to worry about a language barrier to overcome, although it always helps to know a few basics. In countries like Tanzania it is compulsory for secondary education to be spoken in English, and so having native English speaking teachers in their classes provides the children with a huge advantage in terms of their formal education.

Teachers are encouraged to use their own creative spark and initiative. Everyone has different interests and we are keen for volunteers to channel their enthusiasm for their own hobbies or skills into extracurricular activities. This could be anything from conservation to healthcare, from juggling to sculpture… The sky is the limit! The village school also has a fierce reputation for their sporting interest, and are always keen to hone their sporting skills.

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Take this incredible journey of discovery and fall in love with everything that Africa has to offer. Immerse yourself in its culture and feel at home amongst its colourful, welcoming people. Gaze at scenes of peaceful beauty as animals meander across a skyline lit up by an African sunset. Experience the friendly local people and the thrill of adventure and discovery alongside lazy days in tranquil paradise.