Japan Travel Myths Debunked

Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan

If you are traveling to Japan for the first time, it is likely that you will find the experience a bit baffling. Things might even get more confusing when you open your ears to all the myths and conceptions about Japan, and if don’t take your time to find the truth, then you might as well be discouraged to for renew my passport services and plan for the trip.

What you need to know is that Japan is an incredible destination for any traveler and once you get some information and prepare adequately, nothing will stop you from making the most out of your trip.

To help you get the right information about traveling to Japan, here are some of the myths and lies you are likely to get bombarded with and the truths behind them.

1. Japan is a very strict country

When it comes to observing time and keeping punctuality, then the last person you would wish to waste their time is a Japanese, but on other things in life, they are not as strict as some may want you to believe. Therefore, don’t feel intimidated on the supposed strictness, even when using the public facilities. For example, don’t be afraid to try out the strange buttons in the toilet. Go ahead and press them then wait for what happens. If anything, you will be perfectly safe and help will always come if you are clueless. But don’t limit yourself by not doing the things you want to do because you are afraid of making mistakes.

2. It is expensive to visit or live in Japan

Contrary to the beliefs of many, Japan is not any expensive as compared to other countries in the region. Of course, there are places where you could get a slice of watermelon for a whopping $150, but this is no indication that this is what is charged everywhere. If you are interested in working in Japan remains relatively affordable compared to most of the countries in Asia. Whether it is food, cost of transportation or accommodation, don’t be misled to think that you will be spending a fortune to have a decent stay. Also a lot of structured experiences e.g. interning in Japan, usually include accommodation.

3. Transportation is a real headache

There is nothing such as transportation being a headache in Japan. This is a myth propagated and spread by those who are afraid of technology. One thing you must understand and appreciate is that Japan’s public transportation system is highly advanced and features a lot of technology. The metros may be intimidating at fight sight just with the kind of technology they have, but these are not to frustrate, but instead, make it easier for you to move from one place to another. In almost all the transportation hubs, you will find very clear instructions guiding people on where to go. Besides, there will be uniformed assistants who are ready to give you any help you need to find your way with the transportation systems.

4. The language barrier is huge

Language is a great concern most people have every time they think about renew my passport to travel to Japan, but this should never be a big brother as some people want it to appear. To begin with, most of the Japanese population have studied a language like English in college, and they will always strive to at least communicate if they can’t speak fluently. Secondly, all the major establishments frequented by foreigners have English speaking workers so you don’t have to worry about communicating your order or asking for basic stuff. Thirdly, in the major cities, almost every sign has an English translation. As such, you should not worry about language too much if you want to get a decent experience in Japan unless you have intentions of scoring some Japanese ladies but you are worried about the language you will use to get them to your bed since they don’t speak English. You could also book a language course in Japan too to give yourself a boost.

5. The etiquette rules are intimidating

All countries have their own etiquette rules, and Japan’s are not intimidating in any way once you have had a basic idea about them.

As far as the etiquette rules are concerned, here is what you should really remember at all times if you don’t want to offend your hosts-:

• You should never stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl as this represents a burial ritual. And by the way, if you can’t eat rice with chopsticks, don’t be afraid to ask for a spoon or a fork. They will understand that you don’t belong to their culture and it is just okay.
• Slurping your noodles is not a bad in Japan as it is in other countries. As a matter of fact, Japanese consider slurping your noodles as the right way to eat them.
• You should always take off your shoes every time you enter someone’s home or the temple. In most cases, the host will provide slippers once you take off your shoes, and if these are not available, feel free to walk in your socks.
• Wait until the locals present you with their business cards before you give out your cards. They will do so with two hands and you must also do the same.
• Don’t turn fish to eat the other side. It represents a boat capsizing and this is not good news for the guys on the sea working hard to bring the fish to the table.
• You don’t need to bow as most Japanese do to show respect. You can just shake your hands. But you must avoid touching people’s heads or hugging as is common in the west. Apparently, Japanese don’t like to be touched.
• Don’t tip. Japanese believe that they deserve to be paid only for the work they do. Tipping is seen as an insult and they will never accept.

All of Japan is crowded

There are certainly some very crowded cities in Japan, but not all of them. If you go to big cities like Tokyo, then you can expect the crowds there to be very busy, especially during peak travel times. However, if you venture outside the big cities, then it is a different story altogether. There are lots of free spaces with incredible attractions that will be a great contrast to the thought the country is crowded in all the places. You might want to consider Japan tours where you can travel throughout the country taking in the highlights.