5 Tips for Taking Fun Travel Photographs


We’ve all sat through a friend or family member’s photo album from a recent vacation and feigned interest at looking at 100 photographs of them standing in front of some landmark and making that same smiling face over and aver again.

After the 3rd photo, they all start to look the same. BORING!

But this doesn’t have to be your photo album.

If you want to impress your friends and family, relive your vacation memories and laugh all over again, take fun pictures.

Here are some of our favourite tips how to take really impressive travel snaps.

1. Make a Funny Face

Yes the posing, smile face is nice, but too many of those will quickly bore your audience. Surprise them with an unexpected grimace, wide-eyed grin, or quizzical look.

Question: How many people have a photo of themselves smiling in front of the Eiffel Tower?

Answer: Everyone that goes there.

But how many have a photo of themselves like the one above? Significantly fewer. If anything, it certainly got your attention, didn’t it?

The funny face pose happens to be my “signature look”. You’ll find it everywhere.

2. Pose Like The Statue

Say for example you travel to the USA and visit the famous Rocky Statue at the base of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Don’t stand in front of it with your hand around the shoulder of your travel partner! Show those muscles and stand triumphant.

Washington D.C. loves statues. They are everywhere and of everyone. So inside the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building, why not decide to create a statue of yourself. Who says your narcissistic?

3. Take a Forced Perspective Photo

The iconic forced perspective photos are pinching the Taj Mahal and pushing up the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But if a trip to Italy or tour of India is out of your budget, use your imagination and find a creative way to highlight whichever landmark you’re visiting.

4. Use a Prop

Whether it’s an over-sized dollar bill, a funny hat, or a unique backdrop, a prop will make your photos stand out amongst all the others.

5. Make it Fun

Next time you’re having an adventure and about to click the button ask yourself, “is this a fun photo, or could it be better?” For more fun travel pictures ideas, you could create a photo album of Fun Travel Photos on your Facebook/Instagram/social media page.

If you are keen to improve your photography skills you could consider photography internships abroad.