Top Things to Know Before Your First Trip to India

Taj Mahal

India is a popular destination among world travellers – and with good reason. This vast country is packed with incredible buildings, delicious food, amazing animals and a vibrant culture.

If you are dreaming of exploring India for the first time, the prospect of planning a trip can be daunting. This country is huge with different languages, bustling cities and is totally different to Europe and North America and Oceania for example.

India can be a culture shock if you don’t prepare yourself before you go, which is why we have put together this guide with some handy tips. Read on and start planning the most amazing trip of your life to incredible India.

Choosing Where to Go

The first thing to remember when putting your itinerary together is that, to really make the most of your trip, you should be realistic with your time. In other words, don’t try to pack too much in – India is a huge place, and it is best to visit fewer destinations for longer than attempt to see it all in one go.

Indeed, it would be impossible to see everything on a single trip, and attempting to do so would mean you’d spend the best part of your getaway on planes and trains. Instead, be selective and visit places that work well together in a single itinerary.

The Golden Triangle, which comprises Delhi, Agra and Jaipur, is one of the most popular destinations to India for first-timers. Don’t disregard this route because it’s well-trodden; taking you to world-famous sites like the capital of New Delhi, the Pink City of Jaipur and the stunning Taj Mahal, it is a fantastic introduction to the country.

How to Get Around

India is big, really big. There are lots of recommended ways to get around India from public bus (cheapest but not very reliable), train (extensive rail networks connects the whole of India), tour or flying. If you fancy exploring the country by train we have recently put together a guide with tips for travelling in India by rail. If you are worried about the culture shock and hassle of navigating the country by yourself then we highly recommend India tours. You’ll get a guide, travel in a group and get taken to the best locations, some of which are hard to get to independently.

When to Travel

Next, you’ll need to think about when to travel. Generally speaking, October to May is considered to be the best time to visit, as it means you should avoid the monsoon, but because the weather can vary a lot between regions, it is worth consulting your tour operator.

Also, don’t disregard the idea of travelling during monsoon season. There are many advantages of exploring during this time, such as it normally bringing down the price of your trip, the scenery being made lush by the water and the fact that the rain typically comes in short bursts, rather than being a constant downpour.

If you are keen on a gap year in India then any month of the year is fine, there really is no best time to go.


When you’ve made your booking, make an appointment with your doctor to find out whether you need any vaccinations before you set off. It’s likely you’ll require a malaria inoculation, but your doctor may also recommend others – these vary depending on where exactly you plan to visit.

Food and Drink

You’ve probably heard horror stories about getting ill in India, but with some precautions you can really prepare.

When you arrive, it’s worth remembering you need to take real care when it comes to food and drink – particularly water. Be sure to completely avoid tap water by drinking either bottled or sterilised water, and be similarly wary of consuming any food that is likely to have recently been washed in tap water, such as salad or fruit. As a quick tip, ice cubes are often made from tap water, so it is important to steer clear of these too.

In terms of food, exercise caution when consuming meat and always eat in restaurants that are filled with locals, as you can be confident the food here will be well cooked. If you prefer, swap to vegetarian food – there is plenty of this in India, so staying away from meat is not difficult. This is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick in India.

What to Pack

A few other bits and bobs to bear in mind include that it’s a good idea to bring along some easily portable antibacterial soap, such as a hand gel. Toilets in India have a reputation for not being particularly clean, which is why packing your own soap is so important.

Speaking of packing, it is also sensible to travel light if you can – especially if you plan to tour several destinations. It is easy to pick up the majority of things you will need on the go, but if you think you’ll require any medicine, you should bring this with you.

Some things not to forget include:

• Light clothing
• Suncream, cap
• Medication
• Phone, entertainment and chargers
• Battery operated backup charger

Experience Incredible India for Yourself

India is one of the best destination to visit in Asia, its a huge country of colour, festivals, people, cultures, food and world famous tourist attractions. Once you’ve been to India, you’ll likely want to return again and again. If you would like to do something meaningful whilst here you might also like to view our list of the best volunteering programs in India – you could help people, communities, animals and the environment. If you like the idea of actually staying and living here permanently, you could consider taking a TEFL certification and getting a paid English teaching job in India – this is really popular with foreigners.