Gap Year Jobs

Fund your gap year travels by working abroad.

Top Rated Gap Year Work and Travel Opportunities

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Work Abroad on Your Gap Year

A gap year can certainly be an exciting prospect; however, if you’re planning on spending a significant period of time going on a global adventure you’ll need to think about how this will be funded. It’s quite likely you’ll have to work for at least a portion of your break, so give some careful thought to how you’ll do this.

The first thing you should consider is the gap year destinations you would like to visit. Certain countries – such as Australia and New Zealand – demand you have a working holiday visa in order to legally get a job, so make sure you check what the legal requirements are and get the relevant paperwork in place before you go.

Once this has been taken care of and you have arrived at your destination, you may want to take some time to travel around before seeking a job. Others, however, are keen to start finding work almost straightaway.

Whatever you decide, when it comes to searching for positions you’ll find our website a good place to start. Of course, you can attempt to look for work yourself, but some gap year companies can help you to register with a specialist job agency in order to match your skills and requirements with the most suitable positions.

Going on working holidays offers the perfect opportunity to try new things and develop your CV, and while the availability and kind of vacancies that are open will vary, you should find there is the chance to gain employment in a range of sectors in countries all over the world.

Indeed, it’s possible to become as a camp counsellor in the USA, while teaching English to those who do not speak it as their first language is another popular option for many gap year travellers. No matter what you decide to do, you should find that you’re able to develop new skills as you work, something which could improve your chances of finding jobs when you return home!

Of course, if you already have knowledge of working in a particular sector it can be a good idea to seek positions that are related to this, not only as you are likely to be more successful in your application, but because there may be the chance for you to earn more money as opposed to if you secure unskilled, entry-level positions.

Whatever kind of work you are looking to take on, you’ll probably have to send a copy of your CV as part of your application. Make sure that this contains up-to-date contact details and doesn’t contain spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, as many employers take a dim approach to these. Should you get an interview, ensure that you dress smartly and that you are polite and friendly to potential employers. Competition for seasonal work can be especially fierce, so make sure you stand out from the crowd for the right reasons.

Spending some – or even all – of your time working while away gives you the perfect chance to meet people, enhance your CV and gain new skills. Of course, you’ll also be earning an income which can help to build up a pot to fund your continued travels, whether it is in that same country or elsewhere.

Keep in mind the above tips about how to work abroad and you can be confident of finding rewarding positions that will help to enrich your travel experience.