27 Reasons Why You Have to Hit the Road

Canada Rockies

So I was looking at Buzzfeed and saw this article “27 reasons you have the urge to hit the road”.

We each have our own reasons, so I thought it would be fun to think about the reasons I am yearning for the road.

Here is my personal list:

1. Because when I’m home, part of me is yearning for the other places I have connected to.

2. Because there are so many places I haven’t explored enough yet.

3. Because there is no better way to think about what the paradigms in my life are.

4. Because I’m still trying to figure out what my travel style is.

5. Because there is no better way to try to challenge myself to try new things.

6. Because I love getting to see new scenery.

7. Because there are friends to see again.

8. Because I haven’t gotten to blog from abroad since last summer.

9. Because there are continents on the map I haven’t been to yet.

10. Because I haven’t swum in the ocean in months.

11. Because I want to walk over more country’s borders.

12. Because I want another opportunity to challenge my fear of heights.

13. Because no matter how many times I revisit a place I think I know inside and out, I find something new that surprises me.

14. Because I want to see things I thought only existed in the movies.

15. Because I want to explore more jungles: both the concrete ones and natural ones.

16. Because I don’t know if natural beauty will ever cease to amaze me.

17. Because I still want a stamp on every page of my passport.

18. Because I need to use some of those frequent flier miles.

19. Because despite being 21, I still want to discover more of the world with my parents.

20. Because I want to be the person out of their comfort zone.

21. Because I need a new excuse to buy a new travel bag.

22. Because I have friends who I need more recent photos with.

23. Because there are a ton of things on my bucket list to do.

24. Because I need new sunset photos.

25. Because there are so many places where I have offers to stay that I haven’t gone to yet.

26. Because there are friends I haven’t met yet.

27. Because why not?

Okay so let’s be real: I bet we don’t need any reasons to travel. We just have to keep working towards having the ability to get back on the road. Thanks Lara Parker from Buzzfeed for the idea. So what are the reasons that YOU want to hit the road?

If you are looking to plan your next trip, these pages will help you:

Work and travel programs
Gap year programs
Volunteer opportunities abroad