3 Most Popular Gap Year Destinations

Australia Whitsunday Islands

Taking a gap year – particularly if you’re travelling alone – can be a daunting prospect.

But with the tiniest bit of effort it’s very easy to meet tonnes of new friends in every city or town you visit, and also on buses, and in bars. A good way of guaranteeing that you meet likeminded travellers is by including some of the most popular gap year destinations on your itinerary.

So with that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the most popular countries in the world for first time backpackers to give you a few ideas.

1. Australia

Australia Sydney Harbour Bridge

The ever popular giant land of Oz is backpacker central. In most major towns and beach haunts, hostels abound, and the social side of the backpacking lifestyle means there are a number of opportunities for meeting new people. And probably the best thing about it? Everyone speaks English! So expect no language barrier and little culture shock. Instead, revel in a laidback, beach culture where fun is the order of the day.

Many first time travellers head to the east coast, working their way up from Sydney to Cairns, but other popular destinations include Melbourne, a little further south of Sydney, and Perth on the west coast. Taking a tour such as the two week East Coast Tour offered by Real Gap is a good way to get started and meet new people. It is also a great introduction to the country as it visits major sites like Bryon Bay and the Whitsunday Islands.

Plan a trip Down Under:

Australia backpacker tours
Work in Australia
Australia gap year ideas

2. Peru

Machu Picchu

South America’s third largest country embodies sights that many visitors to this beautiful continent come to see. Here the crumbling remains of the Incas’ Machu Picchu and the beautiful sacred valley lie in the south – two of the most visited historical pilgrimages in the world! There are other archaeological marvels like the Nazca Lines, along with laidback, vibrant cities such as Cusco and Ica, where the friendly traveller scene and great bars could keep you busy for days.

And the country is huge! More than half is Amazon jungle, meaning there are ample opportunities for tours where you’ll meet new friends and be blown away by sights and sounds. The country is relatively safe, but like most South American countries it’s worth being on your guard. With such a range of landscapes, from volcanoes, snow capped mountains, jungle, desert, colonial cities, and forgotten architecture, you won’t be bored!

Plan a trip to South America:

Peru tours
Study Spanish in Peru
Volunteer in Peru

3. Thailand

Thailand beach swing

Contrary to popular belief, this magical land has a very friendly, conservative population, and probably ranks alongside Australia as one of the most popular first-time traveller destinations.

With accessible and cheap transport, very affordable accommodation, and a friendly traveller scene, everyone makes new friends here! Head away from Bangkok and you’ll be blessed with ancient temples, pristine beaches, jungle, and limestone wonders.

You can live on £10 a day (including a beer or two!) and eat a meal for less than £1. Expect locals everywhere to ask you where you’re from, and make sure you bring your camera to snap relics and landscapes.

Plan a trip to the land of smiles:

Thailand tours
Teach in Thailand
Volunteer programs in Thailand

These three fantastic countries only represent at least half of the most popular countries for backpackers, so check in with us soon for more recommendations…