Learn Spanish in Panama

If you want to travel abroad and to really experience different culture you obviously need to learn to be able to talk and communicate with the locals. How else can you REALLY find out how people feel about life, and to become immersed in a different and interesting culture! sure – we can get by with a bit of sign language – but that is all it is- getting by. Isn’t it much more fun to actually talk to people!

So it pays to learn at least one other language and the best choice is Spanish. It’s is one of the most popular languages to learn in the world. After English, it is the language that is spoken in a greater number, and greater variety of countries than any other language. It is the official language in 21 countries and 400 million people, and about another 100 million people speak it as their second language.

Learning Spanish in Panama where it is spoke is easier and faster than learning at home. It produces better results and, just as important, it’s much more stimulating and fun. You can learn more in a few weeks immersed in a Spanish society, than for a whole year a few times a week in a classroom at home!

You can find high quality and effective Spanish language instruction through dynamic teaching methods, developed by professional teams at top rated language schools throughout Panama. Schools make sure that you are making the most of your stay and learning Spanish quickly and easily, no matter what your age, background or Spanish skills are.

To effectively learn and speak a foreign language, it is important to have an understanding of the culture where it is spoken. Schools go beyond the textbook by including cultural activities and educational trips to create a more well-rounded understanding of the Panamanian culture and the Spanish language.