Work in Chile

Santiago, Chile

Chile is a long and thin country, in fact the longest in the world. Superimposed on a map of the United States, Chile would stretch from northern Maine to southern California. On a map of Europe, Chile would stretch from Moscow to Lisbon. This is a popular country to work in South America with foreigners, and there are so many jobs available including temporary seasonal work at ski resorts!

About Chile

Chile was founded as a Spanish colony on the western side of the Andes Mountains along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It was easier to expand to the south in the territories of the indigenous groups and to the north into the neglected parts of Peru and Bolivia than it was to cross the mountains and venture farther inland.

Geographically and climatically you could compare Chile with the west coast of North America, upside down. Instead of forests and glaciers in the north, followed by a temperate region, and deserts of southern California and Mexico, Chile is characterized by deserts in the north, fertile valleys in the center and forests, glaciers and fjords in the south.

After the end of Pinochet’s military dictatorship (1973-92) Chile returned to stable democratic rule and has enjoyed spectacular economic growth over recent years. Copper is the main export, but important also is the booming high quality wine industry, timber and fruit exportation.

Chile is now often referred to as the star or “model” of Latin America in terms of its economic performance. In the wake of free-market reforms which promote foreign trade, Chile is one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America.

Best Places to Get Employment

Some of the best places to find employment include the larger towns and cities, including: Santiago, Puente Alto, Antofagasta, Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Talcahuano, San Bernardo, Port Montt, Temuco, Concepción, Rancagua and La Pintana.

Jobs for Foreigners and English Speakers in Chile

You can find work in most industries and some international companies have offices in Chile. Some of the best ways for foreigners to find paid employment include working in tourism, hospitality, IT and business.

If you want to go backpacking or spend a gap year in Chile, you could apply to teach English in Chile which is really popular. If you fancy working a winter ski season there are some of the best resorts in South America located here.

Seasonal Jobs in Chile

Looking for short term, summer or winter jobs in Chile? You might be surprised to know there are lots of openings!

Most people don’t realise Chile has some amazing ski resorts, including Ski Portillo, Valle Nevado, La Parva and El Colorado-Farellones. Positions can include ski instructors, chalet/hotel staff, childcare and more.

For summer, language schools and summer/activity camps hire staff for language exchanges.


You will need a visa to work legally in Chile.

Some jobs advertised internationally don’t require Spanish, but knowing even the basics of the language will really help employment prospects and also make living here easier. If you do want to improve, check out courses with local language schools in Chile.

Chile also promotes itself as being one of the safest countries. In a recent study, Santiago ranked first in South America on personal safety and security. The criteria centered at the city’s relationships with other countries, internal stability and crime (including terrorism), law enforcement, censorship and limitations on personal freedom.

Chilean cuisine includes hearty meat, rich seafood, and some main dishes which do not include any meat or fish. Fresh fruits and vegetables are in abundance and very affordable.

Can I bring my girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband with me when I work in Chile?
Your partner may accompany you to Chile if they are able to obtain the proper resident visas on their own. Most recruiters will only assist our accepted applicants in visa processing.

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