Learn Spanish in Madrid

Madrid is the Spanish city that never sleeps.

Madrid bursts with energy, from its rich musical traditions to its late-night bar and restaurant culture. This is a capital city that takes its leisure time seriously!

The “Madrileños”, as the locals are known, are a warm, gregarious people who can be seen packing out the traditional cafés and chocolaterías, and enjoying the city’s parks and fountains. But that’s not all there is to it.

On top of this, Madrid is a vibrant place to study Spanish. Spain is now one of the most dynamic members of the European Union and Madrid is a thriving political and commercial center.

Madrid will teach you that home is a state of mind. It is something that we can carry with us to the furthest reaches of the globe. It is a frame of mind that grounds us and allows us to truly take full advantage of our travels, for once we feel at home anywhere in the world, we can embrace everyone as neighbors.

If you wish to explore the diverse culture of Spain while studying then Madrid is a city that can certainly satisfy your inquisitive and adventurous side. Madrid is the home to Real Madrid, the most celebrated soccer team as well as a great food, fashion, art, music and architecture. Although the population is close to five million, the heart of Madrid, where the pace of life is relaxed, remains very compact.

students soon find their professional and social niche in this pleasant and easy-going city.

EPA has developed a strong network of companies across industries to take on interns in Madrid. Our students receive successful placements for internships from a broad portfolio of opportunities that help them gain valuable intrnational work experience and prepare them for a successful future.

The EPA Internships in Europe program in Madrid requires at least two years of college level Spanish or the equivalent. Students take classes in Spanish and are placed in professional work environments where they are required to work, speak, read, write and perform in the language.