Ecuador Gap Year

Quito, Ecuador

It may be one of South America’s smallest countries but Ecuador always has a big impact on its visitors, with its diverse range of attractions never ceasing to amaze and inspire.

Nestled amongst the rugged Andes mountains Ecuador has a little bit of everything; Amazonian rainforest, glaciated volcanoes, surreal cloud forests, colonial cities and vibrant indigenous cultures. Also ideal for adrenaline junkies with world class mountaineering and trekking in the Quilatoa Loop and surfing and horse riding making for a truly thrilling experience.

With almost a third of the country being ecologically protected it is also a fantastic place to spend your gap year if you are interested in conservation.

Featured Opportunities

G Adventures

Best Gap Year Programs in Ecuador

• Teaching
• Helping impoverished communities and street children
• Journalism
• Conservation
• Helping animals at rescue centers
• Adventure tours


These are some of the best places to visit if you are planning an epic backpacking adventure.

The Galapagos Islands: Over 1000km from main land Ecuador this UNESCO World heritage site is renown for the unique and fearless wildlife to which it is home. No where else in the world can you get as up close and personal with the most amazing bird and marine life and be happily ignored.The archipelago comprises of 13 main islands and six smaller ones and the best way to experience it and its charming inhabitants is by boat

Abaños: One of Ecuador’s most popular and lively tourist destinations, the idyllic town of Baños is blessed with steaming thermal baths and spectacular waterfalls. Hike and bike amongst the breathtaking peaks, before partying the night away at one of the lively bars; a great place to simply kick back and enjoy life for a few days.

Quito: Another World Heritage site, the capital of Ecuador has one of the most spectacular settings. Spread across an Andean valley and surrounded by the snow capped peaks of volcanoes the city comprises of the ‘new Town’ and ‘old town.’ The old town is particularly interesting with its examples of well restored colonial splendour and vibrant narrow streets full of colourful characters.

Ecuador Travel Tips

Climate and Best Time to Go: Ecuador’s climate mean it is a good year-round destination with only two seasons: rainy and dry, even in the rainy season most days are sunny in the afternoon. Each region of Ecuador has its optimal visiting season which tourists often plan around. Coastal Ecuador is cloudy most of the time but enjoys high temperatures averaging around 30°C.
Currency: US Dollar (US$)
Religion: Over 90% Roman Catholic, small minority of other Christian denominations .
Language: Spanish (official), Quechua (other) – view language schools in Ecuador.
Health: Hepatitis, malaria, typhoid, rabies, altitude sickness, diphtheria and a slight risk of cholera. Quito is high up in the mountains so the good news is there is no need for anti-malarials and few diseases that you would encounter in the rainforest. However, there is a doctor close by and a hospital should you need the use of one.