Volunteer with Gorillas

Uganda mountain gorilla

Passionate about animals? Looking to really help some of the most endangered animals on the planet? Travel to Africa and apply to work with mountain gorillas. You can find conservation projects in countries like Uganda and Rwanda making a real difference so these creatures have a future in the wild.

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Facts about Mountain Gorillas

• A male mountain gorilla acquires his silver back at about 11-13 years of age.
• The oldest known mountain gorilla in the wild lived to be 35 years old.
• Mountain gorillas have been found to live as high as 3,500 metres in the mountains.
• Mountain gorillas live in families of about eight and ten, although a group as large as 30 gorillas was once recorded.
• The females in the group can come from several different families, so not all the gorillas are related.
• The dominant silverback, usually the stongest male, mates with the females once the females are about 10 years old. There is no fixed birth season.
• The only predators that the gorillas have are Humans. A gorilla trek or tour helps raise valuable funds for their protection from poachers.
• Mountain gorillas are highly endangered, only about 600 are left in the world.