Teach English in Peru

Machu Picchu

Looking to experience the highlights of Peru and get paid? Apply to teach! This is one of the easiest ways to live in Peru, integrate into the culture, earn money and also get to go sightseeing in your free time.

Guide to Teaching in Peru

You can find jobs in the larger cities like Cusco and Lima.

Most teachers are expected to work 25-40 hours per week. Many schools may offer the opportunity to teach more hours for additional pay. Office hours may be required or advised in order to allow for lesson planning and preparation. Some schools may also request your presence at staff meetings and extra-curricular events. As many private academies cater to business people and and children, you will have the opportunity to teach various ages and work flexible hours.

You will be receive a salary of approximately $600-$1000 or more per month. If you are keen to volunteer in Peru, most educational positions advertised are without payment.

In order to qualify to teach in Peru, participants have a good level of English.

Most employers provide one month of temporary housing to give teachers time to settle in and find permanent accommodation.