Plan a trip to study English with top rated language schools in Ireland. Popular places to study include Dublin and Cork.
Adult Courses
Adult courses are offered at each of the the locations below. All courses can be taken as standard or intensive classes and are available to all levels. They can be combined with specific activities or taken on their own. Some activities are provided for all courses and are optional. Extra excursions and activities can be arranged for an additional cost.
Junior Courses
Junior and teen courses run from age 14 up to the age of 18, depending on the location. Accommodation is either with a host family or on campus. Younger teenagers are supervised at all times while older students are given a curfew by their parents which is enforced by host families and schools. In general, classes for Juniors are held in the morning with activities and excursions in the afternoon. Activities provided vary from school to school. Some are included in the price and some are optional particularly for older students who will be given a certain amount of free time. All of the courses for Juniors are designed so that the students gain knowledge of the language primarily, but also to be immersed in the culture of the country they are studying in, and having fun at the same time.