Learn Spanish in Argentina

La Boca, Buenos Aires

Would you like to study Spanish? View information on top rated schools and Spanish language courses in Argentina and book a trip today.

Local schools promote the study of Spanish abroad and encourage international cultural exchange. Courses are open to students who want to discover Argentina, its language and its culture. These courses are popular with university students and professionals needing to improve Spanish language skills.

Studying in Argentina is much more than just learning a language, it means having an interesting experience and making friends from all over the world. Schools aim to show you a new culture and to integrate you into the local daily life.

Best Places to Study

Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Mendoza, Tucumán, La Plata, Mar del Plata, Salta, Santa Fe, San Juan, Resistencia and Santiago del Estero.


Group Classes
You can find intensive classes for totally entry levels and also more advanced levels. In general language courses you will learn all vital aspects of communication in Spanish: how to speak correct, well-pronounced Spanish, appropriate for the situation, understanding authentic listening and reading texts, writing, grammar, strategies for effective learning; linguistic approaches to difficult situations and coping with cultural and social differences. Course topics include everyday situations, society, culture and history. Special emphasis varies according to the interests of your course group.

Specialist Spanish Language Courses
There are special Spanish courses directed to professionals, directed to travelers and to students who wish to focus on a specific need or subject. In the specialized courses for professionals (Spanish for business, thematic workshops, Spanish for exchanges and study-abroad students, medical Spanish, Spanish for lawyers, etc.), topics include: specialized vocabulary, communication in the professional or academic environment and understanding specialized texts.


Courses can be booked by individuals as well as by companies and institutions.

Courses are offered throughout the year and are distinguished by their variety and flexibility with regard to dates, duration and intensity.

Teachers have University degrees and post graduate studies in Spanish as a foreign language. Those who teach business Spanish are Economic graduates. They have a wide experience in teaching Spanish to students, tourists, executives and embassy officials and will motivate you to learn in a pleasant way.

The language of instruction is Spanish. Special teaching methodology will make it easy to follow and take part in lessons. You will learn Spanish with authentic texts and in communicative situations. In the classroom you will work with texts and additional up-to-date materials or teaching aids suitable for practice purposes. You will receive regular homework assignments to gain a deeper understanding of the course material and ensure that you keep up with the pace. Your teacher will give you individual advice on exam preparation.