South Africa Tours

Chobe national park

If you could only travel to one country in the world, our pick would be South Africa. The majesty of the animals, striking landscapes and spirit of the people will capture your heart and imagination and leave you longing to return. Nothing can prepare you for what you will experience in South Africa.

Best South Africa Tour Companies

These are the top rated tour operators and travel companies offering trips in South Africa.

Travel to South Africa

South Africa is a country that captured the hearts of the world for the 2010 FIFA World Cup as they welcomed the world to their country with an array of colour, music and smiles. Alive with passion, the awe inspiring Big 5, breathtaking miles of coast line and a rich national history of of influential men and women.


South Africa is a traveler’s dream! Here are must-do destinations and activities to ensure you have a lekker (awesome) time. Most travel companies include these locations in their itineraries.

Cape Town
Cape Town and the surrounding area boasts gorgeous views, picturesque beaches, and a rich history and culture waiting to be discovered. During the summer the group will have a chance to experience South Africa through excursions like hiking Table Mountain, hanging out with the penguins on Boulder Beach, and visiting Cape Point – the most southwest point in Africa.

Robben Island
Just off the coast of Cape Town, is Robben Island, the former prison of Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s popular post-Apartheid President and revered public leader. Tours are given by former inmates and make for a compelling look at life during Apartheid. Reserve your tickets early and enjoy the view of Cape Town from the ferry on your way out to the island.

Kruger National Park
Kruger National Park is the Yellowstone of South Africa. You will get to drive on the paved (and unpaved roads) in search of elephant, lions, rhino, giraffe and every other African animal there is. Drive slowly and keep a watchful eye on the bush around you. Incredible camping lodges are located throughout the park to sleep (camp or cabin). Allow at least 3 days to properly explore this park, but a week is more appropriate if you have the time, this really is one of the best safari destinations in Africa.

Short for South Western Township, Soweto is the pulse of Black South African Culture. Guided tours are strongly recommended as you tour historical landmarks during the struggle for equality and meander through the “informal settlements” that millions of South Africans call home. Despite the tin shack homes, dirt floors and less than luxurious living conditions, the spirit of community, family and culture is vibrant and apparent on every corner.

Table Mountain
Table Mountain serves as the backdrop for the waterfront city of Cape Town and provides a perfect view of the city below. Take the gondola up during a clear day or hike your way up if you’re up for the challenge. And if you’re searching for the perfect view of Table Mountain itself, head over to nearby Signal Hill.

For the more adventurous at heart, there are opportunities for bungee jumping, shark cage diving, surfing and paragliding – just to name a few activities.

Other essential places to try to see include the Addo Elephant National Park, Durban, Pretoria, Drakensberg Mountains, Garden Route and Johannesburg. Some tour operators also offer combo trips which include other destinations in Southern Africa like Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.


Weather and Best Time to Go
South Africa enjoys hot summers (November – April). The temperature in Chintsa can reach up to 96- 100 degrees Fahrenheit at times and nights are hot and humid. Summer is rainy season in South Africa but rainfall is minimal. Winters (May – October) are much more temperate with temperatures between 54- 77 degrees Fahrenheit, little wind or rain and cool mornings and evenings.