Internships in Greece

Santorini, Greece

Keen to improve your career prospects? Looking to intern in a really beautiful country? Choose Greece as your destination.

Dominated by the Ottoman Empire since the 15th century, Greece as a modern state emerged out of a rebellion in 1821, which led to the war of independence. In the mid-twentieth century, Greece went through a period of political turmoil until a revolt by university students in Athens led to the restoration of democracy in the mid-1970’s. Greece joined the EEC (now EU) in 1981.

Greece is considered the birthplace of Western civilization, and Ancient Greeks continue to dominate many aspects of philosophy through such thinkers as Euclid, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Socrates and Plato. Greece was also home to the Olympic Games, now an event celebrated worldwide. Greece is a special country with a rich history and a wealth of archaeological sites.

Quick Facts

• Population: 11,688,000 (est)
• Principal languages: Greek
• Capital: Athens
• Other major cities: Thessaloniki, Patras
• Monetary unit: Euro= 100 cents
• Internet domain: .gr
• International dialling code: +31


You can find placements in most industries including travel, tourism, hotels, hospitality, media, journalism, law, IT and more.


You can find most intern placements in the capital city Athens. Some companies offer hospitality and tourism programs in the beautiful Greek islands.


Internships advertised to foreigners are usually in English. But knowing basic Greek will really help boost your chance of finding a placement, and also make living and working here easier. You could find Greek language schools in Greece or study online.